Episode 6(edited)

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After the talk with Nurul, Kahar went back to his dorm and saw no one was inside. "Eh mana dia orang"
Someone pat his left shoulder and turn around quickly feeling scared. "Eh terkejut aku lah. Kau ni" Kahar said looking at Ayam. "Jom gi library, ada benda ni kita nak cakap" Kahar looked at him weirdly and followed him.

"Nak gi library dah kenapa pulak? Korang malam malam gi library" Kahar then stopped walking including Ayam. "Weh Cepat nanti cikgu nampak" Ayam said annoyed.
"Entah Entah kau hantu?" Kahar said feeling scared, pointing at him and turn around quickly and tried to run but Ayam hold his arm and smack his head.
"Hantu hantu hantu, aku sepak kang baru tahu" Ayam said with a slap gesture. "Cepat lah, jangan nak merepek" Ayam said pulling Kahar to the library.

When they arrive at the library, the rest of his friends were there looking at the book.
"Buku apa tu?" Kahar asked.
"Buku budak budak dulu punya generation dalam sekolah ni. Kita nak tahu siapa Cikgu Rian ni, since dia cakap dia budak dulu kan"
The boys nodded at Trish. "Weh rabak lah cikgu ni" Trish said looking at the book.
"Rian, budak Kapla. Top students in class tetapi kaki bully" Aini said reading some of the comment that made from other students. "Sulung dalam keluarga. Tak Ada Adik beradik. Goal is to achieve...."
"Alamak ada orang koyak kan lah kertas ni" Aini said turning the paper page by page. "Maybe ada orang jumpa buku ni baru kita" Fakhri said. Aini then turn to the last page and saw their faces.

"Ni korang kan?" Fakhri asked looking at their three faces in the book who was smiling at the camera. "Nurul senyum... manis je...." Kahar said and sighed sadly looking at her face.

"Tak bole jadi" Aini said while looking at Nurul face "Aku rasa kan...." All of them looked at her confused. "Nurul cakap betul, dia kena paksa and...." they looked down sadly with mixture of confused and nodded at her words. "Tapi Nurul tu orang dia tegas" Fakhri said "Betul tu-" before Trish continue her words, she got interrupted by someone

"Siapa tu?" Security guard looked at them. They quickly run away and hide at a hidden places.
"Jangan main main eh. Siapa tu!" The guard said it one more time. The guard give up and walked away.

The next day all of them were walking out from the bus leads by Nurul, Ariz and Jay. Nurul looked at her gang who was laughing and having communication. Jay hold her sleeve to get her attention. She turn around and looked at him "I miss them too...." Jay said smiling sadly at her. Nurul sighed and shake her head, smiling at him.

"Okay Form 5 and 6, go and take each of the tent bag from us and build up. Each tent will only fill up 2 people. Understand?" The students just nodded and some rolled their eyes at Nurul. Nurul sighed "FAHAM TAK?!" She shouted which startled them. "Ye Faham!"

Nurul took one of the bag each give to them by hand. When her friends turn to take Nurul just look down on the grass. Then after giving the last person the bag, Nurul looked up and saw Kahar. He looked at her with a sorrow face and walked away which made Nurul stunned. Then someone push her using the tent bag "Oi" She turn and glared at the person "Apa kau nak?" She asked Ariz. "Aik, kat aku tak senyum pulak?" Nurul rolled her eyes and fake smiled at him. "Dah lah jom" Jay said and push Ariz. Three of them went to the camping area and set up their tent.

"Weh dah macam last year pulak!" Ayam said complaining and throw the tent to the floor. Ariz looked at him weirdly from a far while Jay and Nurul was trying to control their laughter. Nurul stopped laughing and think about Kahar and shake her head and quickly set her tent up and went to the teachers. "So is there anything I should do?" Mrs Rian looked at her amd smiled "Yes of course"

while waiting for Mrs Rian. Ariz and Jay went to her. "Apa cikgu nak?" Ariz asked looking at her. Nurul shrugged and point to the teachers who is carrying three big box. The teachers give her box full of bento food. "Give this to them" The trio nodded at Mrs Rian.

They walked back to the camp area. "Okay guys! Cikgu ada kasi kita makan, jom kita makan then we will do our assignment that the teacher has plan it for us. Okay?" They were quiet and didnt reply to her again. Ariz rolled his eyes being pissed off with them "JAWAP LAH!" Nurul looked at him and smiled softly. "Ye!" They responded back. "THREE LINE IN FRONT EACH OF US NOW!" Jay shouted. Nurul smiled to herself when hearing two of them shouting at the students. She kneel down and open up the box and took one of the bento to pass at the students.

Kahar step forward to Nurul and hold her jacket sleeve and bring her forward to him. "Are you with Ariz now?" Nurul looked at him confused. Nurul was too confused that she didnt get to reply him back. Kahar sighed disappointedly and walked away from her after taking the bento from her hand. Nurul took the last three bento and give it to Ariz and Jay.

Nurul looked back to Kahar who was flirting with one of the girl from Form 5 which was Laina. Nurul looked at him and tried to control her emotion.

Laina whisper to him which make him turn his face to Nurul, Kahar smirked and shake his head and looked back at the girl and feed her a spoon of rice. Nurul breath in deeply and walked to Jay and Ariz. She sat down sadly and cried since they are far away and behind the tent so none of the students can see her crying except Ariz and Jay.

"Eh? Kenapa Nurul?" Jay asked worriedly. Ariz looked up from his food to her and quickly sit beside her. "Kahar..... he...."

"APA DIA BUAT?!" Ariz whispered loudly. "Dia putus dengan aku and he was flirting with one of the form 5 girl yang Laina tu then she whispered something to him then he looked at me and he smirked and laughed" Nurul sighed and cried more. "Budak ni" Ariz said angryily and stood up but Nurul stop him from moving by holding his sleeve. "Takpe takyah.... nanti dia akan kena balik..." Nurul said smiling at him. Ariz kneel in front of her face. "Nurul why are you too naive?" Ariz asked her, looking at her sadly. Nurul smiled softly and shrugged, wiping her tears away.

At Kahar place, Trish and Aini was eating and saw the incident. "Eh Kahar dan Nurul dah tak kawan lagi ke?" Trish asked Aini. "Dah tak kut...." Aini said sadly. "Aku rindu lah Nurul..." Aini said softly. Trish chuckled sadly "aku pun...." She said.

While Kahar was talking to the girl, out of nowhere he remembered "I want to protect you" Kahar startled by his words in his mind.
"Eh awak okay tak?" Laina asked him. "Ye saya okay..." he smiled and continue eating.

"I want to protect you" The words kept replaying and replaying in his mind.





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