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A/N: many details will be changed as I thought of this fanfiction being in a different universe than Better Call Saul. Hope you enjoy!


It wasn't easy for Dina to be with her uncle; in her eyes her uncle Gus was uptight and difficult to amuse while she was the opposite. But just like her uncle, Dina was sharp and smart. After her mother's death, no one was around to take care of the young girl besides Gustavo Fring. Dina moved to Gustavo's city and home and he began to pretend he was a simple business man who owned Los Pollos Hermanos.

Gustavo did not think that his niece was watching his every move; there was something about her uncle that Dina wanted to know more about. Long story short, Dina had caught him- he was part of a cartel.

Gustavo Fring expected his niece to report him or even be repelled by him, but her reaction was the total opposite. She immediately expected his secret and it could be said that it improved their bond.

Dina heard all about the Salamancas but had never seen them before. However, the only person she was in contact with was Nacho.

It has been years since Dina had found out about her uncle and the cartel, and now, Dina is one of the Los Pollos Hermanos branch manager. During rhe nights, she'd spend her time creating art for her upcoming exhibitions. Thanks to her uncle, Dina was a well known artist that caught some people's attention. Including Don Eladios.


Throwing herself on the couch with a sigh of relief, Dina put her feet on the table and turned on the tv. Before she could fall asleep in front of the television, Gus appeared at the doorway and cleared his throat, eyeing her feet. With another sigh, not so much of relief, Dina removed her feet off the table to satisfy her uncle.

"How was your day?" Dina turned to her uncle sluggishly and offered a small smile.

"My day was fine." Gus said as he ushered his niece to the dining table after he prepared dinner. "I'm hoping yours was, too."

"Yeah. It was fine. Just the usual." Dina sat in front of her uncle and began digging into her food.

"There is a serious matter that I need to speak to you about." Gus said tensely.

"Whats up?" Dina spoke with food in her mouth that slightly agitated Gus.

"Don Eladio. He has...a gathering."


"He wants you to be there." It hurt Gustavo to say; he never wanted his niece involved with such people, even if she knew and heard about them. When he tried to refuse Don Eladio's request, it almost didn't go well. Actually, Don Eladio was offended that Gustavo didn't even mention his niece.

"What for?" Dina scrunched her eyebrows, stunned at such request.

"I'd like you to make him a gift." Gustavo evaded her question and requested his niece to create a big painting for the Don. Dina knew better to just comply, avoiding too many questions.


A weeks after her conversation with her uncle, Dina found herself following Gustavo into Don Eladio's house; she was amazed by how extravagant it was. Before stepping into his house, the outside was filled with expensive sport cars. 

Gustavo Fring advised his niece on when to speak and what to say and to always be cautious before they got in.

Once they made their way to Don Eladio, walking by the pool, many of the women were in their bikinis either in the pool or in a man's hold. Gustavo introduced Don Eladio to his niece and the man immediately threw compliments her way.

When Dina revealed her large painting to Don Eladio as a gift, Don Eladio was amazed by his new present. After complimenting her, he was now complimenting her hard work and talent.

Across the pool, Lalo Salamanca had to do a double take once he noticed the girl. She was evidently younger than him; her chocolate curls covered her shoulder blades and when she turned, her smile revealed her dimple cheeks and sharp nose.

Sat beside Lalo was Hector who was cursing at Gustavo Fring, but Lalo wasn't listening anymore. Lalo stood tall and excused himself from his uncle, walking over to Gustavo Fring and Don Eladio confidently.

"Ah, Lalo! Look at this beautiful painting- isn't it amazing?!" Don Eladio had said once Lalo arrived.

Lalo, however, had his eyes on Dina Fring before eyeing the painting. "It's spectacular."

The man had a wide smile and capturing eyes that made Dina clear her throat and look away; Gustavo Fring was no idiot, he knew why Lalo had come over and it began to boil his blood.

Lalo turned to Fring with his wide smile. "May I?"

Fring took a moment before agreeing to the introduction that Lalo wanted.

Lalo Salamanca put his hand out and Dina slowly took it to shake; unable to look away from his eyes that bore into hers.

"It would only be respectful to introduce myself to such a beautiful lady." Lalo said, his wide smile agitating Gustavo. "I'm Lalo Salamanca."

"Dina Fring." Dina said bluntly, her hand still wrapped in his.

Lalo turned to Gustavo in bewilderment. "You have a beautiful daughter, Fring. Didn't know you could make something this fine."

Don Eladio couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"She is my niece." Gustavo said, not a smile on his face.

"Ah, that makes more sense." Lalo said as he raised her hand and placed a soft peck on it before letting it go.

Gustavo Fring had to control himself completely- if he wasn't in Don Eladio's house, he would have put Lalo in his place.

Before Lalo could even continue, Gustavo raced him- wrapping his arm around his niece's shoulder, Gustavo politely excused himself to Don Eladio, telling him that business was urgent and that they had to go back to Albuquerque.

Dina Fring said her goodbyes to Don Eladio and Lalo who watched her leave with her uncle. His eyes never left Dina Fring until she was out of his sight.

Don Eladio couldn't help but laugh as he hit Lalo's upper back. "What you're thinking- Gustavo will kill you."

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