Chapter Four

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A few weeks passed after Dina's New York exhibition; Nacho was rarely seen since he was busy with Tuco and Dina completely understood.

Besides managing one of the branches of her uncle's fast food chain, Dina spent time with one of her close friend who came back from her holidays with her boyfriend.

Sasha Emette was introduced to Dina Fring through their art circle of friends and ever since, the girls completely understood each other and got along well.

Currently the two sat in Dina's studio on the floor, a pizza box shared between them.

"I heard good things about you after your exhibition in New York." Sasha said as she took a bite from her pizza. "Trust me on this, one hundred percent, you'll be receiving more calls to go back to New York."

"How do you know that?"

"David from the committee said that they were really impressed by your exhibition and would want to recommend you to some galleries and other collaborations."

The two talked about their work for awhile before talking about John and Sasha's holiday together. While Sasha asked about what was going on in Dina's life, Dina simply mentioned Nacho and their situation-ship.

To Sasha, she only knows Nacho's job is helping his father with his work- Sasha did not know anything about the cartel.

Sasha wasn't pleased with Dina's decision to sleep around with Nacho, as she said, she didn't think it was healthy.

When it was late, Sasha had went home and Dina remained in her studio, where she spent most of her time there lately.

Staring at her painting as she was laid back on the couch, thinking of ways to improve the slanted portrait, Dina's eyes began to feel heavy.

Right as she felt her body let go and slip into a comfortable sleep, knocking at the door jolted her awake. Dragging her feet to open the door, her eyes went wide at the sight of Nacho's busted lip and bruised cheekbone.

"Bad day at work?" Dina grabbed his wrist and pulled him inside, locking the door behind him.

"You could say that." Nacho said simply as he shrugged his jacket off; Dina immediately grabbed the juice box from her mini fridge and pressed it against his bruised skin as she sat him down.

"I hope this wasn't from Tuco." Dina inspected the rest of his skin for any more bruises and Nacho could see the worry in her eyes.

"Nah- Tuco and I just had some trouble. If it was from Tuco, I wouldn't be here right now."

"Are you all right? You want to go to the hospital?"

"No, no, I'm fine." Nacho wrapped a hand around her waist sluggishly. Dina eyed him and raised a brow in worry.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am." Nacho said.

"Okay." Dina replied simply, still holding the juicebox gently onto his skin.

"I'm sorry- I shouldn't have worried you." Deep down, it made him feel good to see Dina worry about him.

"I'm glad you didn't go home alone. It's good you came here." Dina replied simply.

"Yeah?" Nacho's eyes flickered to hers.

"Yeah." Dina nodded.

The rest of the night Dina and Nacho were cramped together on the couch.

"You know, I have a big bed at home that we could share." Nacho said with a slight smirk.

"I like it here just fine." In truth, Dina didn't want to go back to his place anymore. She knew that it would drag her back to him and she knew that this time, she wouldn't be able to let him go.

Spreading a smile across her lips, Dina wrapped her leg over his hip. "Besides, I like how close this is."

What Could Have Been - Lalo Salamanca (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now