Chapter Three

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Before going off to New York Dina insisted that her uncle didn't have to send her to the airport, just so she could have a night with Nacho.

In her exhibition, Dina gave a little talk about herself and her work. Right after it, people were mingling and gazing at her work, wondering what was the meaning behind it all.

Dina's feet began to ache in her black heels as she wasn't really used to wearing them- her uncle insisted that wearing her black dress looked more professional. After picking out her dress, Gustavo gave her a speech on how appearances was important.

As Dina talked to one of the people who attended her show, an individual stood closely beside her purposefully. After ending the somewhat boring talk, Dina turned and only bumped into a tall figure.

"Oh, I'm so sorry-"

As her eyes drifted to meet the familiar ones she had see twice, Dina couldn't help but gasp.

"Lalo? What're you doing here?" Dina was taken aback by her unexpected guest. "Don't you have business in Mexico?"

"Can't a man take a break to appreciate art?" Lalo said smugly. "Our business, is hard work."

Dina's eyes scanned him from head to toe; his hair was combed back, mustache neatly trimmed and was covered in a black suit that fitted him perfectly.

"I got to say, Dina- Don Eladio has a good eye for art." Lalo said as he glanced over her artworks that covered the white walls. "Your work is spectacular."

Dina scoffed as she watched the man. "Are you stalking me?"

Lalo flashed her his unsettling smile. "Stalking? No, no, word got around about your exhibition. I had to see it for myself- the hype was not disappointing."

"So you came all the way to New York?" Dina tilted her head.

"Why not? I thought a familiar face would help."

Dina couldn't help but let out a laugh as he shook her head. "You really are something else, you know."

"I try my best." Lalo said cheekily.

"You truly are putting effort into someone you don't even know."

"I'd like to know more about you. All I know now is that you are a talented and beautiful niece of the chicken man." Lalo flashed his smile again.

"You have a sharp tongue." Dina raised her brows. "What if I tell you that I am seeing someone."

"Oh, I will change your mind about that."

"Sharp tongue and ballsy too." Dina scoffed in disbelief.

"Come on. One date. Then you'll decide." Lalo said. But in truth, there was no decision, Lalo had already made up his mind about Dina Fring; what he doesn't have, he will get.

"I don't think-"

"One date." Lalo interrupted. "Gustavo's men aren't around to stop this- why not take the opportunity."

"Well you will just have to wait until I close shop."

"It's worth the wait."

Lalo did in fact patiently wait for Dina to finish her exhibition and once everyone was gone, Dina's polite assistant closed up the place for her. But while Dina was conversing with her important guests and potential buyers, Lalo watched her closely- she carried herself confidently, a certain energy in her made people gravitate towards her. Definitely different than her uncle, Lalo thought to himself. However, Lalo could see some of her uncle's influence in her shining bright.

As Lalo and Dina stepped out, Lalo immediately took off his blazer and offered Dina to wear it, where she accepted it. Before walking down the street to his rental car, Lalo offered his arm for her to take.


In the coziness of the restaurant Lalo and Dina were snickering and giggling about things they began to bond about. Dina's stomach began to stir as Lalo's eyes landed on her. One thing that scared her is that she couldn't read his mind or emotions. At least with Nacho she could guess what was in his mind.

"You're beautiful." Lalo blurted out, not blinking once.

"You scare me." Dina said honestly, making Lalo raise a brow.

Dina took a sip of her wine before continuing. "You came all the way to New York for me. I don't even know how you knew about the exhibition, too."

"This is just the tip of the iceberg." Lalo said.

Dina couldn't help but shake her head.

After their date at the fancy restaurant, Lalo sent Dina back to her hotel and walked her to her room. Right at her door, Dina leaned on it as Lalo watched her every move with a smile on his face. What Dina appreciated was Lalo never asked to be invited in her room.

"Thank you for dinner." Dina said somewhat shyly. "It was nice."

"Always my pleasure." Lalo said with a smile.

As Dina opened the door, she turned back to Lalo and gave him a smile, wishing him a goodnight before closing the door behind her.


Three days of her exhibition, Dina finally went back to Albuquerque. Going back to Gustavo's place, her uncle prepared her a celebratory dinner and told her how proud he was of her New York exhibition.

When Dina talked about her exhibition to her uncle, she didn't dare mention Lalo Salamanca because she knew that there'd be trouble.

The first few days of her being back, Nacho was busy with Tuco Salamanca. But it didn't take him long to knock on her door.

"Hey." Once Dina opened the door Nacho immediately slammed it behind him, grabbing her aggressively and smashing his lips on hers. Nacho's hand grabbed her bottom and squeezed as Dina wrapped her legs around his waist.

Dina pulled back in surprise and before Dina could ask, Nacho filled her in.

"I missed you." Nacho said hungrily as he stood her on the couch.

Dina began unbuttoning his shirt and ripping it off of him. Nacho began unzipping her jeans and pulling it down; his soft lips kissed her abdomen and slipped her panties to the side. Once Dina felt his tongue, she couldn't help but let out a moan.

Before Dina could crumble on her knees, Nacho held her and laid her gently on the couch. Her cheeks grew red, somewhat surprised how Nacho truly knew how to turn her on. Every crook and cranny, Nacho has had it memorized.

Pulling away his pants, Nacho's lips placed wet kisses all over her before finding her nipples- later catching her lips in his, entering between her legs as Dina moaned in his mouth.


"So, how was your show?" Dina rested her head on Nacho's chest as her arm wrapped around his waist loosely.

"It was great." Dina answered him simply, unsure if it was a good idea to tell him about Lalo's appearance.

"How's running around all over Albuquerque with Tuco?"

Nacho let out a playful scoff as Dina laughed.

"He's crazy." Nacho said in Spanish. "The Salamancas, they're people that you'll regret messing with."

Dina swallowed her saliva, her throat feeling dry.

"Everyone in the cartel are not people you mess with."

"Yeah, I know that. But the Salamancas, I think they're heartless." Nacho spoke as his fingers found their between Dina's curly strands.

For a moment, Dina was wondering if Lalo was also heartless; something about him scared her but it called out to her. Dina wanted more of Lalo but refused to admit it. Maybe it was best for her to shove her feelings to the side and take Nacho's words as an advice.

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