|Chapter 13|

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After that talk with my mother I couldn't really comprehend what was happening. It was all just so confusing. She told me she was posted to the Faction system but I always assumed that she was an Abnegation born insert.

The previous events made it clear that she was posted as a Dauntless girl. A Dauntless girl who transferred to Abnegation. It's no wonder she didn't really react to my tattoos. What's more haunting was that this was the place that Tasha died. She'd be the same age as Caleb now,18.

The youngest to ever go on a mission at 12. I don't know how she died but my mum must have visited her on visiting day when she was here with another family. Obviously being back here brought back bad memories for my mum on her niece. That necklace does ring a bell though. I faintly remember Tasha wearing some kind of necklace but I didn't know what kind or what it looked like. I think it belong to my aunt, her mother and my mother's sister, Abigail. Now I have to get it back for her. I owe her that much.

I walk around the compound in a daze. Thankfully I don't bump into Four and Hill doesn't give me any further instructions for the mission.

"Tris," I hear a male voice call me.

I turn around, "Uncle Zac," I say.

He comes to me and embraces me. I hug him back tightly.

"How have you been Tris?" he asks.

"I've been well thanks. How about you? Have you seen the boys yet?" I ask.

"I've been well thanks. I was speaking to the boys earlier. I can't believe you guys are all grown up now. Speaking of which. Do you know a girl here called Marlene?" he asks.

"I've met her once," I say to him.

"Right because I was talking to Uriah when she came into the room and he kind of got distracted. I think she may be the one if you know what I mean. I don't want my boy to get hurt when he has to leave here. Same with Zeke. He found some girl named Shauna here and apparently they are in some kind of a relationship," he says to me.

Wow both the Pedrad brothers managed to score. Impressive.

"Uriah already knows that. He and I had a talk before," I say to him.

"I hate to be the nay sayer but stay away from the boys here Tris, try not to get their attention on to you. It will be easier to leave this place," he says.

"I know. I've been trying," I reassure him.

"Especially Four. I've seen the way he looks at you. Just be wary of that," he says.

Zac kisses my head and walks off. Weird. That is the second time today that someone has warned me about Four. What is so bad about him that I have to be so careful? This just tantalises me even more to find out who he really is. That could be dangerous and could end me in a heap of trouble.

That afternoon, I go back to the dormitory while everyone else spends time with their families and find All sitting on his bed, staring at the space on the wall where the chalkboard usually is. Four took it down yesterday so he could calculate our stage one rankings. I thought I'd be alone but I guess I don't mind the company.

"There you are!" I say. "Your parents were looking for you. Did they find you?"

He shakes his head. I sit down next to him on the bed. My leg is barely half the width of his, even now that it's more muscular than it was. He wears black shorts. His knee is purple-blue with a bruise and crossed with a scar.

"You didn't want to see them?" I say.

"Didn't want them to ask how I was doing," he says. "I'd have to tell them, and they would know if I was lying."

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