1. A simple order

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quick note!:
"normal dialogue"
'Saiki speaking telepathic '
☕︎︎☕︎︎☕︎︎ = time skip

enjoy! :)
"Merry Christmas! Can I have a peppermint mocha?"


Saiki was close to losing it. This was the only thing he heard all day, besides Camilla Cabello's god-awful way of saying Christmas. He only took this job for money since his 100 yen man scheme wasn't making him enough. And also to avoid spending time with his friends during their break.

But after working a few shifts, he started considering doing that for 3 months. As long as it meant he didn't have to deal with getting yelled at all the time. He only wanted money for the newest addition to the coffee jelly maker series.

This was the first job he'd ever taken, and his respect for workers had doubled, even though it was already high.

Thank god his shift was almost over. He couldn't deal with dumbass questions and having to say ridiculous drink names. The only good thing about today was that he brought his ring, blocking everyone else's thoughts.

He spent all day using various syrups, milks, and machines to make his customers' drinks. He longed for the day someone would order a black coffee or water. Why couldn't anyone have simple taste? He decided he would quit tonight after his shift.

As he handed the peppermint mocha to the women, he noticed one last person in line and the clock reading "8:45 P.M.". It was closing time soon, and the last time he would ever work a café job.

Although seeing who the last customer was, Saiki was tempted to close the cafe right then.

Toritsuka walked up to the counter, still thinking about the woman's ass in front of him earlier.
"Ah, Saiki! What are you doing here?"

'It's almost as if I work here. And sorry, don't know you.'

Toritsuka scoffed, "You're so mean. Just give me aaaa-um," he said, lost in thought.

Was he stupid? He had so much time to think of an order. Now, Saiki didn't completely hate Toritsuka. But when he spent all day on his feet dealing with customers, he didn't exactly have all the patience in the world.

'If you don't order right now, I'm gonna shatter the windows of this shop with you in it.'

"DON'T! I'M SORRY" Toritsuka yelled, knowing well he was fully capable of that.

Although Saiki would never admit it, Toritsuka could be a little funny when he was like this. He liked that he could mess around with him like this.

Glancing around, he pointed at something in the display case. "Give me that thing." In the case, was a cake pop.

Something as simple as a cake pop? Saiki almost thanked him, until he remembered that it was Toritsuka.


After Toritsuka left and Saiki closed up the café, he realized he was 4000 yen short. Just one more paycheck, then he could quit. Saiki decided to walk home, but as he turned the corner, he saw something in the distance that was weird.

He saw a café, much better in quality than the one he worked at. He didn't even know it was here.

But the weird thing was that this place was much closer to Toritsuka's temple than the one Saiki worked at.

'Huh. That's strange.' He thought, continuing the walk home.

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