2. A new employee

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Perhaps he should have quit. He took the day off on Christmas, and he came back to the worst, new colleague ever.

"SAIKI-SAN! HOW DO I TURN THIS ON??" Toritsuka screeched, poking a random button on the coffee machine.

'It's unplugged, dumbass.' Why was he even here? He could work at the café he saw the other night. No need to walk all the way here.


The whole day, Saiki had to deal with Toritsuka complaining and whining about how his feet hurt, how he got a customer's order wrong, and how he got yelled at for staring at a customer's boobs. He even tried summoning a ghost to do his job, but Saiki kicked him and scolded him. After closing time, he was seriously gonna tell the manager to fire Toritsuka.

...But every now and then, when he was quiet and actually working, Saiki supposed he wasn't completely annoying.

After closing time, Toritsuka mopped the floors and Saiki cleaned the kitchens. He also took off his ring and figured he could relax now without feeling a little uneasy. "I looked so hot in an apron, right Saiki?" Toritsuka asked, doing a little pose. 'definitely not.'

"Thanks for helping me today! let me buy you something from here" He said, shoving the mop into the supply closet. 'I feel bad for wasting his time.'

Although he was a little suspicious, the corner of Saiki's mouth curved into a slight smile. Surprising that the he would offer to buy him something.

'But I also want him to owe me something!' Toritsuka added, giggling to himself.

He stopped smiling as soon as he started. 'I can hear your thoughts. I don't want anything anymore.'

"Don't be like that! I'll just buy you this jelly. you like these right?" Toritsuka half yelled from the fridge, pulling out a small, store-bought container of coffee jelly.


Saiki walked home that day, with a coffee jelly in hand, and ignored Toritsuka talking about a hot girl customer he served that day. As they split their ways, Saiki noticed the café he had thought about earlier. 'Why did Toritsuka start working at our café instead of here? I'll ask him tomorrow.'

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