6. Just friends

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During Saiki's next shift, he figured if he ignored and pushed down his "feelings", he would forget them and (hopefully) lose them. Except it was harder than he thought.

There was subtle tension between them, but perhaps he was the only one feeling it. And every time he heard Toritsukas's voice or saw the smile he gave customers, he felt his face grow a little hot. And gradually, it felt like his feelings for him were growing stronger everyday.

Ignoring what was on his mind, he sighed and focused on making an order.


Recently, Saiki has been acting differently.

Toritsuka could simply be standing there, and Saiki would tense up. He could even feel that the atmosphere was almost awkward, and he had started wondering what was wrong. Was Saiki hiding something from him? Or worse, did Saiki not like him anymore?

Well, Saiki never did like him, but he at least tolerated him, and he felt like they were close.

When he saw a chance to spend more time with him, he took it. It sounded so cheesy and cringe to think about it, but he was glad he did. He likes spending time with him. It was like the occult club, but this time, it was just them.

He had felt that way for a little while now. He wanted to spend more time with him, impress him, and talk to him. He was one of Saiki's early friends, and to him, Saiki was his dearest.

Toritsuka had other friends, but when he was with Saiki, he felt.. different. He could truly be himself without having to fake anything.

So when he held his hands and told him he loved him, he felt insane when he felt subtle butterflies in his stomach; despite the fact it was just for a game. They were friends. JUST friends. Yeah, it's normal to feel that way when your friend tells you they love you!



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