3. An unexpected visit

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Today was rather peaceful compared to other days. It was snowy, so that made th-


He sighed, pointing to the back. Why was he even here again?

After Toritsuka ran to the back and served the customer, Saiki remembered his walk home last night. He decided to ask Toritsuka about the café. Sure - he could take off his ring, but there was a couple in the shop giving each other dirty looks. And he really didn't want to hear their thoughts.

He ran more coffee into the machine as he started to talk to Toritsuka. 'Toritsuka.'

"Hm?" He replied, starting to practice latte art 'Wow. he's getting the hang of it.'

Although Toritsuka only started working yesterday, he was a fast learner. That was one of his few admirable traits.

'I saw a café yesterday.'

"You mean this one? Haha, idiot." The irony almost made Saiki slap him.

'No, idiot. the one down the road from my house.'

"Um yeah! What about it?"

'Why did you work here instead of there? you have to bike all the way here.'

Toritsuka looked up from the latte art and looked at him. Saiki glanced over and saw him staring at him. Did he look.. red?


Then, a group of people walked in, and Saiki had immediately recognized them.

'Oh hell no.'


Next thing he knew, Toritsuka and Saiki were making different drinks for his "friends + psychickers". But when they both reached for the milk steamer, they grabbed it at the same time, their hands touching.

Saiki didn't do anything, expecting Toritsuka to be the first to move away. Although thinking back at this, he couldn't explain why he didn't immediately remove his hand from Toritsuka's. But after both of them stayed still, he looked over at him.

"ah- sorry!" Toritsuka said, jerking his hand away after staring at their hands on the handle.

"OW SHIT-!" There he goes, burning his finger. Saiki sighed, covering Toritsuka's hand and making sure no one was looking before healing it using his powers. 'Be careful next time.' he said, continuing on as if nothing had happened.


"Thank you for the drinks, we didn't expect you guys to be working here!" Aren said, grabbing a straw and poking it in his drink. Everyone started agreeing and saying thank you.

'Mhm.' Saiki grumbled, slamming the cash register closed. They didn't mean to intrude on him, but couldn't they have ordered something simple? They all got large, complicated drinks.

"Thanks for coming guys! But you should seriously consider going. Saikis gonna explode if you don't leave in the next 5 minutes." Toritsuka told them, whispering the last part while pointing towards him.

None of them listened to Toritsuka, they all simply decided on ignoring him. But realizing the movie they reserved was starting soon, they left the café. "Keep working hard Saiki! Use your blood, sweat, and tears!" Hairo yelled while walking out the door. 'Ew. I'd rather not.'

'You know I could hear you.' Saiki said, half slapping Toritsukas shoulder.

"Oops." He replied, sticking his tongue out. 'Teruhashi looked so hot. I hope Saiki is doing better, he looked stressed out earlier.'

Huh. he didn't mean to hear that, he was only washing his ring after he realized he had something sticky on it. Besides the Teruhashi thought, knowing Toritsuka realized he was stressed and did something to stop it made him feel.. a type of way. Almost fuzzy? Maybe it was appreciation, although he never experienced it like this.


After closing time, it was cleaning time. Saiki made Toritsuka wipe the tables in exchange for healing his finger. 'Hey, you still haven't answered my question'. Saiki said, now leaning against the countertop with his chin resting on his hand.

By now, he felt comfortable leaving his ring off after closing time. Sometimes, Toritsuka would think of all the things he had to work on tomorrow. These were some of his thoughts Saiki didn't mind and sometimes found him quite dependable for. But Toritsuka didn't know all this.

"Oh yeah! I heard more hot girls come to this one than the other one!" Toritsuka said, looking up at him with a smile. But as he shifted his eyes back to the tables, his thoughts said otherwise.

'He can't find out I only came here to help him. He looked so lonely and tired on Christmas Eve. God, I sound like a stalker. That's so cringe and gay. AND also to make him in debt! yes, that too of course.'

Normal, he would agree, and call him a stalker. But maybe the snow, the lingering Christmas lights, and the fuzzy feeling made him think of one thing.


'he came all this way just to help me?'

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