8. One last shift

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It was a brief, short kiss. But it was nice nonetheless. Saiki was the one to pull away first, looking at him with a shocked expression on his face. He couldn't believe what had happened. 'I'm sorry-'

He was cut off by a pair of lips on his. Both of Toritsuka's hands were on Saiki's shoulders, pulling them closer to each other. This time, their kiss lasted longer.

When they both pulled away, Toritsuka had the biggest, most giddy smile plastered on his face. Saiki couldn't help but snicker a little at this. Although he still was confused, he thought what he felt was one-sided.

'you like me too?'

Toritsuka still had a giddy smile on his face. "I wouldn't have kissed you back if I didn't. I guess I did get feelings for you while working, but never realized it." he put a hand behind his neck, looking away. "are we..?"

'..I'd rather not think about that now. Let's just go home.'

They walked home together that day, interlocking hands.


The next day, for one last time, Saiki turned the closed side onto the open side, starting his last shift.

After 20 minutes of working by himself, he started to wonder where his idiot was. But as soon as he started, Toritsuka barged into the café; startling someone grabbing their drink. He looked around to find the other, and once his eyes landed on him, a huge smile formed on his face "Good morning Saiki!!"

Saiki couldn't help but smile back a little at the sight of this. at the sight of him. 'Good morning.'


They quit after that shift since their winter break was over, and they had to return to school. As the snow fell and they held hands in Saiki's pocket, Toritsuka started thinking.

"Hey, saiki-san? How would we hang out now? I'd barely get to see you!" Toritsuka frowned at the thought of going back to not talking for days.

'we can sit together at lunch.' he projected while checking the time on his watch.

'and' Saiki turned to his side and grabbed Toritsuka's face, pulling him closer.

'You can come by my house. invited, this time.' he pulled them closer to each other and brought their lips together.

They kissed in the snow, both with a light smile on their face. They weren't sure what they were yet, but they were happy, and that's all that mattered.

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