5. More cocoa powder

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giggled making this one 🤭 enjoy!

The next day, he found out what Toritsuka was looking for in the supply room the day prior.

"Saiki-san! we're out of cocoa powder. I couldn't find any in the supply room yesterday. Can you run down to the store to go get some?" Toritsuka called out, being bombarded with customers.

Saiki being reminded of yesterday and that fuzzy feeling, he quickly shook it off. 'What? no way. you do it, I'll take care of them.'

"I don't want to walk there!" he whined. "Andd you also still owe me for that jelly!"

That jerk. Saiki should have declined it. '..Fine.'


In line waiting to check out, he saw a magazine rack with porno magazines snuck in there.

'Ugh. how could they display that so openly? That reminds me of him.' Saiki thought, with an image of an overexaggerated dumb Toritsuka in mind.

When he walked out the store, the sun was setting. Leaving the sky in breath-catching hues of purple, orange, and blue.

'What pretty colors. I can't even make that happen. That purple over there looks like the color of that idiot's hair. I bet he ruined the café by now'. He smiled at the thought of Toritsuka screaming and cleaning spills with customers-



Why was he thinking of Toritsuka so much?


The rest of his shift went like usual, and Saiki was now eating cold soba for dinner with his mom. "I'm home everybody!" his dad proclaimed, walking through the door

"Honey!" his mom yelled, hurdling herself towards her husband. They were both on the floor hugging each other tightly. 'It's only been a few hours. they're ruining my dinner.' Saiki scoffed.

"I saw charcoal ice cream today and it reminded me of your hair!! I missed you so much!!" his dad cried, still on the floor. 'What a wild comparison.' Saiki thought, putting his dishes in the sink.

"And every time I saw a bug on a shoe it reminded me of you and your shoe-licking job!!" 'That's even worse.'

"Awww! We both thought of each other!! I love you so much!" They hugged each other again. 'you're fine with being compared to a bug?'

hold on.

thinking of each other

means you're in love?


'Hah! no way. that's hilarious.' Saiki laughed, walking to his room.


But the more he thought about it, the more it clicked.

The way he didn't move his hand away from Toritsuka, and reached out to squeeze him. And when he felt a weird fuzzy feeling every time he worked with him. and when he said I love you to him, he felt it again, and it felt natural saying it, like he wasn't lying.

By now, Saiki was levitating above his room floor. He did this when he was in deep thought.

No way he was in love with Toritsuka! it's just that he wasn't as bad recently. How could he even like him? He hated him!

he hated how he was a pervert,

he hated his hair,

his eyes,

his laugh,

his lips,

how playful he was,

how dependable he could be,

how soft his hands were,

how he could mess around with him,

how he could recognize how he was feeling,

how he could be himself around him,

the warm fuzzy feeling he felt whenever he was around him,

how he was funny without even trying sometimes,

how he was cute,

he hated that-




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