Introductions + Disclaimer

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This book contains lots of mature content like Violence, Tragedy, Sexual content, Guns, knives etc. Readers who are uncomfortable are told to exit immediately!

Remember, Anything written in this story, doesn't relate to anything in real life, dead or alive. Don't take anything seriously. This is a work of pure fiction!

Park Jimin:- Male Lead, Best Friend of Y/n and Stella since childhood; Secret Mafia; Leader of the Bangtan Mafia group;

He loves Y/n since childhood. Wanting to confess but don't want to lose her, he took the wrong decisions to get her.

"Run Mia Cara, But you will be back to Me"

Yun Y/n:- Female Lead; Best friend of Jimin and Stella since childhood; Soft yet strong willed girl;

She had a boyfriend, whom she is gonna marry soon. She seems excited and so do all...

" Love is a sacred feeling, and you ruined it!"

Jeon Jungkook:- Gangmate of Jimin; Assassin; Husband of Jeon Stella; Best friend of Jimin;

He loves his hyungs and Stella a lot. He won't mind ruining everything for his loved ones

"3 things, Work, Hyungs and Stella"

Jeon Stella:- Best friend of Y/n and Jimin since childhood; Manipulator; Wife of Jeon Jungkook

She seems sweet and trustworthy but also sharp and cunning. She is loyal to her gangmates

"Well, I'm ready to share everything except my surname"

More characters are there in the book and will slowly be revealed!!

All betray, no one is safe, Keep your eyes and mind open in all directions cause, you never know, who is saying the truth and who is lying... And remember the line:-

The Worst Betrayal?? The one in which your close ones, stab your back..

Check my Spotify for the Playlist of this book!! Will update the Playlist as the chapters continue...

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The Hateful Love | Book 1 | A PJM Series Where stories live. Discover now