Chapter 12

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Shanel's POV
i woke up to my mom telling me we were going to the ranch today. I checked my phone and Mikey had texted me
Goodmorning beautiful ~ Mikey♡
Goodmorning love ~ shanel
After that i set my phone down and went to take a shower i put my clothes on to wear to the ranch with some combat boots, grabbed my phone and went downstairs. "Mom can i invite mikey and the guys?" I asked my mom. "Si mija pero apurate ya se nos hiso tarde" she responded i put the guys in a group chat.
Hey guys do you want to go to the ranch with me? ~ shanel
I saw them read it but they didnt answer "how rude" i thought to myself. Then i heard a knock on the door. I ran to it with my sister screaming and yelling that she wanted to open it i yelled and said i wanted to open it she grabbed the handle and i did too i pushed her away and opened the door to see the boys standing there smiling "we'd love to go" they all said in unison. "Ok then come in" i said they all gave me hugs as they walked in. Mikey walked in last he picked me up by the waist and spun me around as we kissed each other we giggled as our lips touched i dont know how but we kept going and started making out. "GUYS QUIT MAKING BABIES!!" We heard vinny yell and we pulled apart. We laughed and sat down in the love seat. "Shanel ya estas lista? Va venir tu tia" my mom yelled from the kitchen. "Ya mami cual tia de todas?" I asked as i laughed because of my huge family. "Tu tia zurama" she yelled back. "Ok mams" i yelled back. "You better be ready" my mom yelled once again from the kitchen but with a little accent. "I am" i yelled back. "Shes asking me if im ready and shes still in pajamas" i tell the boys. They all chuckle, just then the doorbell rings i went to open it and as soon as i do im tackled with hugs from my little cousins. I hug my tia and give her a kiss on the cheek as well as my uncle."onde esta tu mama hija?" My aunt asks me "en la cocina" i told her as i shut the door and she walks to the kitchen with my uncle behind her. I went to go sit down again but as i did i hear crying from the hallway into the middle of the living room, my cousin was crying. I rolled my eyes got up and went over to him. "Stop crying" i said sternly. "3 ~ 2 ~ 1" i started counting down holding my fingers up. I roughly picked up my cousin and took him to my aunt. "That was a little harsh" Mikey said. "Shut up" i replied. "Damn whats up your ass?" Mikey asked looking irritated. I got up and went to sit on the recliner. "It pisses me off when they cry and they know that but they still decide to fuck with me like that" i responded irritated at Mikey's attitude. He rolled his eyes and the guys look scared. I was steaming by now because Mikey never treats me like this. I got up and stormed upstairs to my room. I plopped myself on my couch and i heard a knock by now there were hot tears rolling down my cheeks. I heard scratching at the door i was pissed at Mikey but i wanted my giant dog. I walked over to the door and opened it without saying a word or looking up. I let tiny in "shan-" i cut Mikey off and closed the door in his face. I went and laid down on my couch and cuddled with tiny and cried into his white fur. I heard the door open and Mikey walked in "damn it i should've locked it" i thought to myself. Mikey came over and sat on the other side of the couch. "Im sorry princess, i was just irritated because you told me to shut up" Mikey said as i sniffled and cried into tiny's fur once again. "Come here" Mikey said but i didn't budge. He moved closer and tiny moved away from me. "Wow thanks a lot best friend" i thought to myself Mikey grabbed me and held me. I cried into his chest. "Im sorry princess" Mikey said and it was cute. "You never treat me like that and when you did that hurt... badly." I told him but it came out muffled because my face was buried in his chest. "Im sorry baby girl" he apologized again. I sat up and kissed him passionately. "I forgive you babe" i told him as we pulled away he smiled up at me because i was sitting in his lap with my legs at either side of him and his hands were holding my thighs. "Niños ya nos vamos" my mom called from downstairs we went outside and into the car and we were on our way to the ranch...
Yay i updated like i said i didn't promise because i knew i couldn't keep it i can keep promises but that one was harder to keep anyways I'm changing characters daylin will be Melissa Sandoval and shanel will be Angelina eslora she just seems more like Mikey's type. And i will be writing another Mikey Fusco fan fic because i was requested to make one for a reader so will be doing that when i think of some more ideas and yeah so love you guys see you next time. (I hope😅)
~ shanel♡

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