2 - Hope You're Happy

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I woke up the next morning and rolled over.

"Good morn -..." I started to say and then noticed I was in bed alone. In fact, I was in Chris's shirt, but I was in the guest room at Lisa's house where I was supposed to spend the night last night. I saw my clothes from yesterday lying on the chair in the room. I sat up confused at what was going on. Did I dream what happened? I couldn't have I was in Chris's shirt. I held my head and tried to replay last night. I ran my fingers over my lips the seemed kiss swollen, and I groaned. There was a knock on the door.

"You up sleepy head?!" Scott asked through the door.

"Yeah, I'm going to take a shower. Be down soon." I said. I heard Scott go down the steps. I got out of bed, grabbed my blue sundress from the suitcase and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. As I was in the shower, I replayed the night in my head. The fireworks lighting up the bedroom, the sex, the kissing, him inviting me to his room, falling asleep together. Chris put me in the guest room, why? After everything he said...

I got out of the shower and headed downstairs to see everyone sitting at the big dining room table eating breakfast and I smiled.

"Good morning." I said walking in.

"You are alive!" Shanna said and I laughed.

"Really?! Sorry I slept in." I said.

"Not like you went to bed late or anything. I mean you were gone during the fireworks." Shanna said and I looked across where I sat and saw Chris sitting there looking at me.

"Yeah well, I watched them from the room, I was feeling kind of woozy." I said and Shanna nodded.

"Yeah, blame Scott, it was the drinks he was making." Shanna said and I nodded. I put a little bit of food on my plate.

"You need to eat more than that." Scott said and I shook my head.

"I'm good -..." I looked at Chris who was barely making eye contact with me. I sighed and pushed the plate away. "I actually just think I'm going to get home. I got work today." I said and stood up. I walked over to Lisa and hugged her, hugged Shanna and Scott. I just looked at Chris and he again wouldn't make eye contact. I just slightly shook my head and walked out of the house.

As I walked out Shanna followed me.

"Not going to hug Chris?" She asked and I shook my head.

"No, he was eating so I won't disturb him." I said as I grabbed my bag I took to the house.

"You sure everything okay? Did something happen? Chris make a pass at you or something?" Shanna asked and I chuckled.

"No, it's fine, I really do have some work to do." I said and she nodded.

"Well, we still on for dinner next week?" She asked and I nodded.

"Of course, girls' night dinner." I said and she smiled, hugged me again. I opened the door and took a quick look back into the dining room and saw Chris just sitting there looking at me and then down at his plate. I just slightly shook my head and walked out. I got in my car and pulled out my cellphone.

Paisley: Why are you acting so weird? Why did I wake up in the spare room this morning?

I wasn't expecting the message I got back.

Chris: Just drop it Paisley. Let it go.

I sighed and tossed my phone beside me on the passenger seat of the car.


A few days later Lisa had called me to go out furniture shopping for her basement wreck room she was redecorating. I was an interior designer, so she always came to me.

"What style are you going for?" I said scrolling through my tablet as she drove.

"Oh, just a wreck room the adult's kids can all have fun in so maybe movie room or something." Lisa said and I nodded. I looked up and noticed we were nowhere near the shops.

"Lisa, where are we?"

"Well Chris is filming in the area, and he asked me to stop by." Lisa explained and I groaned.

"Why bring me?!" I asked.

"Because you and Chris have both been acting weird, so you need to work this out." Lisa said and I sighed as she parked, handed me a set pass and we walked to where they were filming. I saw Chris sitting off to the side with a blonde girl next to him.

"He's working, I need to go." I said and went to walk away but Lisa grabbed my arm and dragged me over to where he was sitting.

"Ma! Paisley! What a surprise." Chris said getting up hugging his mom and then just looking at me.

"Okay no! Go walk and talk you two! Something happened, I don't know what but I'm tired of you two not talking and being weird! Go!" Lisa said and shoved us to walking down a walkway in the park where they were filming on location.

I looked at Chris as we walked, and he groaned.

"Listen -..." Chris started to say.

"Why Chris? I just want to know why? Why did you move me?" I asked and he sighed.

"I knew if someone came in my room after I left and found you in there it would cause a problem and gossip." Chris said and I shook my head annoyed.

"You told me I was yours, you told me you have been in love with me since I was fifteen. Chris, you kissed and had sex with me..." I said and he sighed looking at the floor.

"I lied Pais, I was drunk and was willing to say whatever I could to get you into my bed. I was drunk and horny honestly. You were the best target." Chris said.

"You mean easiest target...wow." I said as tears pricked my eyes and my stomach dropped.

Chris stopped walking and I stopped with him.

"I didn't mean to hurt you, honestly. I thought you were drunk too but when I realized neither of us were drunk as we thought and were going to regret this..."

"I didn't regret it, Chris! I was willing to work this out with you but now that I know I was a notch for your bedpost that's fucking great. You fucked your baby sister's best friend. Hope you're happy." I said and he groaned.


"Bye Chris. Tell your mom I walked home." I said walking away from Chris Evans. I hurt too bad to stick around anymore. I was used and I felt cheap.

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