17- The Interview

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It was a few days of me being in Australia and I was out with my mom, and we went shopping. I liked being able to be out and not have to worry about being seen or noticed now. I wasn't sure if Chris's interview had aired yet but I didn't care.

"So how many times have you watched the video he sent you?" Janice asked and I sighed.

"Only the night he sent it." I said.

"That's a lie I hear it every night before bed. I hear him singing then I hear you crying. Why don't you just go home and work it out with him?" Janice asked and I groaned.

"Because he doesn't deserve it. He ruined this whole thing and fucked up." I said as we pulled into the driveway of the house. Once we got out of the car my dad came out to help us get the groceries.

"I just saw a commercial for the interview with Chris from the set of the movie. It will be on tonight." Pat said and I groaned.

"Great so it will be everywhere now." I said going into the kitchen to help my mom put things away. She ushered me to a stool at the kitchen island and I just started unpacking bags since she wouldn't let me do anything else.

"Are you going to watch it?" Pat asked and I scoffed.

"Hell no. I don't need to see him be an idiot." I said and Pat groaned.

"Come on Pais, give him a chance. I mean maybe you are overreacting and it's not as bad as you think." Janie said and I sighed.

"I don't know okay, I don't know if I can do it." I said and they nodded. I got up from the stool rubbing my stomach.

"You okay?" Pat asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, I just want to go lay down for a little bit. I didn't a lot today." I said and Janice nodded, and I walked back to my bedroom and just laid down on the bed. I was rubbing my stomach and sighed.

"What should we do peanut?" I asked. I closed my eyes and quickly dozed off.


Later in the night my dad cooked dinner and we were sitting in the living room eating when the interview was about to start.

"I'm not watching." I said and went to get up by Janice stopped me.

"Sit and watch. You need to see if you ran away for a good reason. I mean you didn't hear from him exactly what was said. What if it's not that bad?" Janice said and I groaned but sat down and watched the interview start.

I heard them ask him and Anna questions about the movie and how he liked filming in Boston. The normal shit, then I heard it.

"So, what are you guys looking forward to once the movie wraps? Anything special planned?"

I gripped a hand of my moms and just waited for the answer.

-Please Chris don't let it be as bad as I think- I thought to myself. It seemed like an eternity until I got the answer.

"Well, I don't know about Anna, but I have a lot coming up. My girlfriend and I will be welcoming a child in a few short months. Something we have kept under the radar but I'm just so excited I could burst."

I felt myself going to be sick, so I ran to the bathroom and quickly released all the contents of my stomach into the toilet. Once I finish, I sat on the floor regaining some strength and calming myself down. I pulled my phone from my pocket and sighed pulling up a text message.

Paisley: Tell Chris I saw the interview and it was as bad as I imagined. I don't know how I will ever come home now.

I wasn't sure when or if I would get an answer until my phone vibrated in my hand.

Lisa: Pais, you need to come home and work this out with him or at least call him. He is upset.

Paisley: And I'm not?! I will not baby him Lisa, he did this to himself. He fucked up everything we had with one quick minute of opening his mouth.

I didn't get anything back from her, not that I was expecting to. I just got up from the floor in the bathroom and went to my bedroom to just lay in bed to cry...sleep...both or whatever came first.


"Well, she saw the interview..." Lisa said to Carly and me as we sat in my living room.

"Already? It doesn't air until tonight I thought." I said.

"I don't know she much have figured out a way." Lisa said and I just half nodded.

"She going to come home or at least talk to Chris?" Carly asked and Lisa shook her head.

"No, she said she is upset too, and he needs to stop being a baby." Lisa said showing us the text messages. I just sighed.

"Okay well Chris is an idiot and I think we accomplished that fact when this all happened. I love him and Paisley both and I know I fucked up a lot of things with the both of them but right now I'm Team Paisley even if we don't have teams. I can't back Chris on this." I said and Carly nodded. Lisa just sighed.

"Listen we want them together not pitted against each other. Let's just hope this blows over fast and we can have them both back and together. They need to be together." Lisa said.

"We need to find her first." Carly said.

"Listen, I need to head home, but I will call you guys later." I said and they nodded. I hugged my mom and sister. Once I got in my car I smiled. I knew exactly where Paisley was and I was leaving that to myself, I finally found a way for her to actually have to talk to me and no one can make me leave.

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