22 - The Future

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I woke up the next day and I was right up against Chris and his hand was on my belly with our fingers interlaced. I smiled at being back with Chris, I felt fully rested and fully happy. Well except for the fact my stomach was growling, and I was starving. I reached and grabbed my phone on the nightstand and looked at the time...one pm! Wow...we really were tired.

"Go back to sleep Pais..." Chris said sleepily.

"You still going to get us breakfast?" I asked.

"In a few hours..." Chris said and I giggled.

"Then it will be breakfast for dinner. It's one in the afternoon." I said and Chris chuckled behind me.

"I didn't even realize it was that late. I'm sorry Pais." Chris said and I turned in his grip and placed a hand on his cheek.

"You were tired, so was I. Being apart did neither of us any good." I said and Chris nodded. He leaned in and kissed me. It started off gentle but then my hyperactive pregnancy hormones took over and I made the kiss more passionate. Chris didn't miss a beat and knew exactly how I was feeling, he was feeling it as well. I removed my shorts under the covers as Chris removed his boxers. He rolled to his back and without missing anything I rolled on top of his and positioned myself over him and slowly slid down on him with a growl from Chris and a moan from me.

"You feel okay?" Chris asked and I nodded.

"This is perfect." I said and Chris smiled as I slowly started swirling on him and he ran his hand up under my shirt and gently massaged my breasts as I swirled on him. I wasn't sure how long either of us would last knowing it had been a while. I did soon feel myself started to feel the climax coming and I wasn't sure what took over me, but I started moving on Chris faster and harder as he bucked his hip a well. I felt everything in me tighten. Chris felt it too and gripped my hips.

I cried out my release throwing my head back and I started slightly shaking coming down from my high as Chris kept bucking his hips and I cried out again having a second orgasm a few minutes later as Chris released. He was holding off on his and I was grateful he did. I leaned down, kissed Chris and rolled off of him.

"Wow..." Chris said, and I smiled at him.

"Explosive." I said and he laughed, turned to me and passionately kissed me.

"You sure what we did was okay though? I mean I know we had a lot at the start but now there is actually a belly..." Chris said, and I nodded.

"Yeah, there are just easier positions for me and the belly. We will discuss them later. Right now, mommy and baby are hungry." I said and Chris smiled. He kissed my cheek and got out of bed putting on some sweet pants and a t-shirt.

"Are you fully leaving?" I asked as he grabbed his shoes.

"Just long enough to get some food for us. How do you feel about some burgers and fries?" Chris asked and I smiled with a nod.

"Perfect." He said walking over and leaning close to me.

"Stay in bed, this is where we will be all day and I will be back with the food." Chris said and I nodded as he gave me a small kiss.


After a couple movies in bed and just some major cuddling time I needed to get up and stretch my legs.

"You want to go for a walk?" I asked Chris and he smiled.

"I thought we said bed all day?" Chris asked.

"We did but I want to go for a small walk, maybe around the block or whatever." I said and Chris nodded.

"Sounds good." Chris said as we got out of bed and got dressed to go out. As we were walking Chris held my hand and all I could imagine was taking family walks together with the baby stroller or a little one toddling between us and then running ahead of us. This life was going to work, we were going to work. We had some things to work out, but I liked where we were right now.

"So, I want to talk to you about something..." Chris said pulling me from my trance.

"You can talk to me about anything Chris, we need to have an open and honest line of communication." I said and he smiled down at me.

"So, while you were gone, I really had time to think and see what my life would be like without you in it and to be honest it was torture Pais. I want to have a life with you, be with you forever. Not just with us and a baby and making a living together work. I want it all with you. The future, the future kids we will have, maybe a dog but most of all I want to have a life with you, a marriage." Chris said and I stopped walking and just looked at Chris stunned.

"We said we would never get married just because of this baby Chris..." I said and he sighed.

"I'm not saying this because of the baby Paisley, I'm saying this because like I said, when you left and I didn't have you or know where you were, it was fucking torture. I know I screwed up and I vowed there and then that if I ever got you back, I would never lose you." Chris explained.

"You aren't proposing now, are you?" I asked and he shook his head.

"No, I just want to know that in the near future, once the baby comes. If I were to propose...you would accept to becoming Mrs. Chris Evans." Chris said and I smiled as I gripped the front of his shirt and pulled him down to a passionate kiss.

"You want to know what I was thinking of before you pulled me from my trance?" I asked and Chris looked at me oddly and I smiled.

"I was thinking about these walks we could take with a baby stroller or toddler between us or even a kid running ahead of us. It all flashed before me Chris and the constant was you and me, here, together. So, to answer you, Chris I want nothing more than spending the rest of my life with you and having the future we plan for together." I said and Chris leaned down, cupping my face and passionately kissing me again. 

We continued our walk just a happy couple planning for the future knowing in four short months, we would be welcoming the newest member of the Evans family.

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