25 - Mom & Date First Night Out

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We walked into Lisa's house. I was carrying the baby bag and Chris had the carrier.

"Ma?" Chris called out and she came walking in from the kitchen and got excited seeing us.

"You guys looks so good!" She said and I sighed. "What's wrong?" Lisa asked as Chris set the carrier down on the couch.

"She doesn't want to leave him overnight." Chris said.

"You know he will be safe with me and Carly, right?" Lisa asked.

"I know that and it's not that I question if he will be safe or not, I'll just miss him." I said and Lisa chuckled giving me a hug.

"I know sweetie but you and Chris deserve a night alone and trust me it will fly by and before you even know it, you will be picking him up tomorrow."  Lisa said as we broke apart.

"I know..." I said and looked back at Chris, and he was smiling down at me.

"Just give him a hug and kiss then you two get out of here. I want my Mimi Lisa time."

We laughed and I walked over to the carrier, unhooked him and snuggled him close to me.

"Mommy and daddy will be back tomorrow." I said giving him and kiss and Chris kissed him too.

"Get out of here you two, go to dinner, go do whatever you were going to do..." Lisa said and I looked at Chris who waggled his eyebrows.

"Don't give him ideas." I said and we laughed.

"No babies! Not yet anyway." Lisa said and I smiled with a nod.

"No baby making, we promise." I said and we walked out the door.

"No baby making?" Chris asked as we got to the car and pinned me against my car door. I moaned.

"Well we technically can't since I've been getting the birth control shot since I had Brady." I said and Chris nodded like he had forgotten about that.

"But we can practice in the making department right?" Chris asked and I nodded.

"You know it but first mister Evans you made me get all dressed up. We go out." I said and he laughed, he leaned in and passionately kissed me, pressing his body up against mine and I moaned.

"You sure?" Chris asked barely pulling his lips away from mine and I sighed.

"Yes." I finally said and he laughed but opened my car door for me. We got in the car and he drove me to a little Italian restaurant we loved in town and we quickly got seated at a private table. 

We quickly ordered and then just sat at the table together. Chris extended his hand across the table and I took it.

"A night alone at last." Chris said and I gave a small laugh.

"Been waiting for this?" I asked and Chris nodded with a smile.

"One night of no dirty diapers, feedings or just being up all night worrying about something. We can do whatever we want..." Chris trailed off pulling my hand to his lips to kiss my knuckles.

"I think I know what you have in mind..." I said and he smiled at me.

"Am I that obvious?" Chris asked and I nodded but shrugged.

"It's okay because honestly...I know I said I wanted to go out to eat but now all I can think about it getting you home..." I said and Chris growled.

"You wanted to come out, we go out." Chris said and I laughed.

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