Chapter 3

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*4 days later..

"welcoming Prince Hwang Hyunjin and Princess Y/n Cheon engagement!" one of the announcer said as you and Hyunjin are walking out the huge door. You aren't clinging to his arms as you feel like he doesn't even want that. You look at the crowd and you saw many familiar faces that you would want to run to them right now and tell them what is happening, but you can't 

The crowd is in awe to the both of you as the music started playing while both of you are walking down the stairs. 

You are now wearing and long mermaid purple gown while your hair is in loose showing your straight and curly hair below, you're also wearing a silver gloves and your ring that they gave to you. Hyunjin on the other hand is wearing his white tux wearing his ring also, you thought that he's so majestic right now, it's more a compliment than being inlove with him right now, that's not how love works.

As you reach the bottom of the stairs you almost got slip by your gown that's why you slightly loose your balance, you thought you're going to fall cause that's going to be embarrassing, but someone catch you.

"Thanks Prince Hyunj--"

You stop what you're saying when you saw that it's not Hyunjin but it's actually one of your guards beside the stairs. 

"thank you" you shyly said.

you look at the side of Hyunjin and he doesn't even notice what happened to you as you see that he's enjoying waving his hands and winking to other girls. You just frown at the sight, and you decided to walk beside Hyunjin and cling to his arms. 

He is shock by your sudden gesture but still didn't look at you and is ready to let go of your hand but you grip it tightly and whisper to him "people are looking on us and they're being doubtful about us because you didn't help me earlier! " 

he doesn't have a choice and let you do what you're doing because he knows they may end up knowing this secret. You both reach the front as you both bow your head to show respect to both of your parents who are now sitting on the throne. 

"today, we will celebrate the engagement of the two clans for a stronger bond and peace with Hyunjin and Y/n, we thank you all for gathering to this one in a life time ceremony, enjoy the party!" your dad stated and the music started to blast as it's a pop music. 

Hyunjin is ready to let go of your hand and went to a private area but you are both being surrounded with your friends and cousins

"Y/n! we didn't know that you already have a fiance! this is a shocking news!" Hannah said, one of your cousins , and they congratulated you.

"Yeah..I'm sorry about that it's also a shocking news to me as he proposed to me quickly hehe" you answered them and take a look at the reaction of Hyunjin but there's none.

"Prince Hyunjin you're so hot and handsome at the same time!" Rachel said, she's your friend

"Hello ladies, I'm Hwang Hyunjin once again and I'm happy to know all of you" Hyunjin said then bow his head and gently kiss the hands of your Rachel and Hannah, and they both giggle at his gestures and cling to his arms "we're going to borrow him for a second alright?" Hannah said and there they go.

You were too stunned to move and stop them because that's the second time you heard his voice because the first one is when he was late for the meeting. You can't believe what he's doing because you thought he's going to stay quiet around you, but maybe your thoughts were wrong.

"he's just not willing to talk to me" 

LOVE UNTOLD an Arrange Marriage [ Hyunjin x reader ]Where stories live. Discover now