Chapter 7

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Y/n's pov: 

I'm so excited! this is the first time we're going outside together..soo is this a date? we're married right? so of course it's only natural that we're going on a date..

I finished packing the things we needed before we go to the museum, it's just food, drinks, meds, and some clothes for emergency. 

I knock on Hyunjin's room..and yes we're not sleeping together, he chose not to sleep with me..well it's fine because we barely knew each other..even though I kinda know a lot about him because of the guide book. 

"Hyunjin..are you ready? let's go" I stand still while waiting for a response but didn't get any. Is he already awake? did he forget?  

it's been 10 minutes now..I'm going to open the door

"hey just so you know I'm going to open the door now" I opened the door and saw Hyunjin infront of the mirror, it looks like he didn't notice me. He looks like he's struggling with something I don't know cause I can't see it.

"hey" I tap his shoulder and he startle and jump for a bit, I almost laugh with his reaction he seems like he saw a ghost and ready to be dramatic but he stay his composure. 

"are you alr--ohh..let me help you" I saw that he's struggling to tuck in his necktie..he's really something with a fashion sense, this look so good to him. 

he seems defeated and let me fix his necktie I went close to him, he looked away and I smell his can be someone so handsome and smell sooo good at the same time.. I could hug him for a long time. 

"there..finish" I said while smiling feeling I accomplish something as a wife 



we're now at the museum and we're with the tourist guide, the place seems not so mini but not so big at all, just exact size for a museum . Hyunjin is now infront of me with the tourist guide and I'm behind them.

"Are you a couple?" the guide asks us 

I didn't know what to say because..i don't know! it felt like we're just stranger living in a one roof, maybe I can respond we're married if we're infront of the palace


my heart sink and ache for a bit in a reason that I don't know when I heard the answer of Hyunjin I didn't hear the rest of his sentence as I space out again.

"oh..that's why! it really looks like you're not a couple at first because you're not that close" the tour guide added. I frown behind them, yes she's a girl, she looks like same age like us. Is she flirting with him? he also?? what the heck? infront of me?

they have been talking for a while and also talking along with the art pieces in the museum, it looks like I'm a maid here just following them.

I stop for a second and gaze at the art piece I'm's a river with a cloud and a girl looking faraway..this might be me right now..Hyujin is not a bad guy..he's just casual with me, he's not disrespecting me in a way of abuse..but he's just literally showing no interest in knowing I ugly? hell no?! many people wanted to be with me..?

"she's pretty"

I snapped back when I heard Hyunjin's voice..the hell? is he talking again with the tourist guide? I turn around and see Hyunjin close to me an inches away. He looks at me then stare at the piece I'm staring at. 

"yeah..she's pretty" I said agreeing to him..I don't know who's he talking about. "let's go" I walk again making him stay behind 


I stop walking and I feel  nervous because once again..this is the first time he call my name..not on a party..not on a ceremony..but on a casual day. He's really confusing, one moment he is flirting then this time he's talking to I just making things exaggerated?

"yes?" I turn around to face him while smiling..pretending. 

"let's walk together" -Hyunjin

he walk towards and went beside me. I look left and right to search to the tourist guide he's talking with earlier but I can't see her.

"o-okay" I felt a slight blush on my face and I try my hardest to hide it. It's just a walk! not a big deal why would I respond like this? I'm not weak! 

we both started walking and looking at each sculpture and paintings. 

"This is really great painting, it captures the essence of emotions through the colors instead of expression..what do you think it meant?" Hyunjin ask

I'm getting surprise in what is like T-A-L-K-I-N-G ..talking to me?!

he's been sooo talkative the whole walk we did, I respond to him and ask questions about the paintings. He's also quite laughing and smiling..ofcourse not to me I guess? but to the paintings. I'm feel so happy right now, atleast after many days he finally open himself to me even just a bit. 

"that was fun!" I said to him..we're now eating beside the ocean again, the sunset is near. He nodded at me and continue eating his food. 

"you really museums and arts don't you?" I said teasing him, he just chuckle 

"'s my hobby actually, didn't you know?" - Hyunjin

Oh yes! this is the time to know him more instead of just reading it in the book.

"Do you have any artworks? if it's fine to you I'm really interested to see it" - Y/n

"I have..I will show it to you when we get back" - Hyunjin

we enjoyed eating together..this is the happiest moment we have after the wedding..all that happened today is my FIRST TIME with him. first time calling my name, walking beside him, eating together, asking me, and talking with him! what a bare minimum right?! and still I'm getting excited experiencing it. this is the the step even we're still casual. 



we're both now watching the sunset and feeling the breeze of the wind, it feels so calm, peace and relax. 

"here's my wedding gift to's not so much but I heard you like collecting keychains" I handed him the keychain that I bought yesterday and I'm so nervous if he's going to accept it or not.

"thanks" he reach it and put it inside his pocket, we stay silent and continue watching the sky as well the ocean together.

I hope it stay like this forever even we go back to the palace..I hope this is the start of our good friendship..even though we are already is still a fact that we're both stranger and just bonded with an arrange marriage, and we're now getting to know one another. 

"let's head home?" - Hyunjin

"yes,sure" I fix my things and ready to stand up when Hyunjin reach his hand to me.. I look at it for a second not knowing what to do with it until I realized he's going to help me stand up, my face quickly become red. 

I hold his hand and he help me getting up..I was about to let go of his hand but he hold it and we walk towards the car while our hands are intertwine.

this is really happening right? right???! 

He opened the door for me and we headed home as I felt soo sleepy right now.

"no...--we are not a couple..we're already married she's my wife.."  

LOVE UNTOLD an Arrange Marriage [ Hyunjin x reader ]Where stories live. Discover now