Chapter 65 - Suns Collide

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It had been a day, and we hadn't been overrun by ferals. In fact, we hadn't seen hide nor hair of them, and I didn't know whether to be encouraged or worried. Jace had sent out a handful of very brave scouts, and one of them had come back confident the ferals were camped on the other side of the Silverstones, the mountain range that divided the packs. If they crossed it, they would reach New Dawn and Riverside before any other pack.

So it was in our interests to make sure the ferals were stopped quickly - hence the packmeet. I was drinking my cup of coffee faster than I normally would, and at a temperature that was slightly uncomfortable for me, because we needed to leave within the next five minutes.

"Can I ask something unreasonable of you?" Jace said to me. I was sat at the table, and he was leaning against it, bracing himself with his hands.

Normally, I would have said something snarky in response, but there was a hesitance to his voice which stopped me short. I just raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to elaborate.

It took him a moment to oblige. "Can you stay here?"

"You don't want me at the packmeet?" I asked him, without bothering to hide my frown. It was true I had very little to contribute to the war talks, but the other Lunas would be there, and my absence would be noted.

Jace shook his head quickly. "No, but I'm worried about what will happen if you and me both leave the pack when things are so unsettled. You're the one who talked them down yesterday, so I think your presence here would help."

I sighed at him. "I got dressed for this. Look ... I'll stay, just tell me earlier next time. Okay?"

"Thank you," he said, offering me a half-smile. "I'll take Tyler with me. Aria's hanging out in the kitchens, Kallie's at work and Kara's got counselling, so you'll have the house. And Zoe's on duty. Hopefully that makes up for missing the packmeet."

It took a moment for the meaning of those words to sink in. When it did, I felt an incredulous smile tugging at my lips. "Are you trying to get me laid, Jace?"

He ran a hand through his hair. "Not exactly. I'm just ... I'm aware this isn't easy on you."

The smile fell from my lips. No, it wasn't easy on me, but I didn't like the reminder of that. Connected as we were, he felt my emotions more often than not, so maybe he was starting to understand the position he had put me in. It wasn't something that had bothered me much until recently. Until Zoe.

"Go," I said eventually, trying to keep the weariness from my voice. "Or you'll be late. The pack will still be here when you get back - I promise."

He went to get his coat, and then he was gone. Tyler came down the stairs and went trudging after him a minute later, having been summoned through the link. They wouldn't be back before lunchtime, I would guess, and all I had to do in their absence was make sure the pack didn't fall apart. Should be easy, right?

I waited until I heard the sound of the car engine starting and then gradually fading away. I set my coffee down and tried the backdoor first, opening it a crack and peeking out. Ashley was sitting on a deckchair beside the door, his eyes fixed on the treeline. My guards rarely came inside until they were invited - the pair of them could cover both doors comfortably with a clear view of anyone approaching the house.

"Everything okay, Luna?" he asked, without even looking around.

"Everything's fine," I assured him. I had come prepared with a plate of leftover omelette, and I placed it in his lap now, the knife and fork following a heartbeat later.

He grinned from ear to ear. "You're too good to us."

"It's an apology," I told him. "I'm leaving you outside this morning. Got some work to finish."

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