Chapter 3 - Close Now

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When the doe had reached Arcadia Bay at last, it paused to scan over the mass destruction. Its featureless head tilted in way that made it appear like it was thinking.

This creature, or some compilation of matter, had never set foot in this territory before, yet it seemed to know this place somehow. How? It didn't know, nor did it matter anyway.

The powerful energy it was attracted to was in much closer proximity now.

Right on queue, a blue butterfly flickered past the doe's ear from behind, the one with the blue feather, and continued forth into town. The doe, feeling somewhat of a connection to this beautifully winged insect, just knowingly decided to follow it.


Inside the Two Whales, Joyce just got off the phone with David, which was remarkably still working; he had called to let her know that he was on his way to come get them.

He too was alive, and so were others.

Frank was sitting behind the counter with his canine friend, Pompidou, massaging behind the dog's ears soothingly.

Kate and Victoria had survived as well somehow; they were on the stools talking to each other, which was rare to see.

There were also some cops casually moving about in the area, just waiting for whatever help they could provide.

Max was slouched at her usual table, taking in this liberating sight with glazed eyes, her quivering mouth managing a faint smile; she felt a great weight being gently lifted off her shoulders, despite the bad shape she was in.

"Yes... this is good. This is right." She whispered to no one in particular.

Ever since that incident back out on the road, she had been numb. Everything was surreal to her, like her right mind wasn't in full control of everything she was doing at this second.

"Hey, Maximus."

Chloe sat down next to her, rather than opposite her like usual, and took Max's hand which was rested on the table, only to find that she was shaking still.

She hesitated to ask. "How's my angel?"

Max released a long-withheld sigh and leaned against the diner window to briefly gape outside.


"Still stuttering?"

Clearing her throat, Max straightened up to test out that matter.

"Peter P—Piper picked a—picked a pack of—Peter P—Piper—Pickles." It was hopeless. "Fuck, you can't be c—cereal!"

Max hammered in frustration while Chloe could only look on, feeling bad.

Joyce had been watching them over her shoulder and eventually came over to sit with them on the opposite seat, her face wearing the same concern as her daughter's.

"Is something wrong, darling?"

"Yeah, Mom. I think she needs a doctor."

"I could see that from here. What's the problem?"

"I don't know." Words spun in the punk's head. "I think there's some... damage to her brain because of the storm."

Joyce furrowed in confusion. "What? Why? Did she have an accident?"

"Yeah..." Chloe nodded, "something like that. She needs help fast."

Chloe didn't know how she would explain the circumstances of Max's condition to the MEDs, and there was no way she could string up some alternative bullshit story; it was giving her a headache too.

Max was about to plunk her head on the table, tempted to just pass out.

"Hang in there, Maxine. David will be here to get you help." Joyce assured, taking the sick girl's other hand.

Max raised her head at the woman with a mock-frown. "Max... never... M—Maxine."

Chloe smirked, glad to see that her friend was somewhat herself again.


The doe, led by the butterfly, continued its stroll through the cluttered streets. It then halted in its tracks when it sensed the alluring energy swell up.

Curious to know what was happening, it focused intently for about a minute until its gaze then pierced through houses, through rubble, through everything, until it found the interior of a diner. It quickly spotted the source inside the body of a meagre young girl who was sitting at one of the tables.

All this current of time-bending energy that called to it was coursing through her veins like a valley. Now most of it was all a coiling noisy mess inside her brain, trapped, panicked, and rattling for decampment. It was all going to blow up inside her soon, the doe realized.

The butterfly flapped away shortly, leaving its follower to decide the rest of the way on its own.

As well as that, the homeless lady, who was regularly seen sitting behind the Two Whales Diner, cruised by with a trolley, scavenging whatever leftovers she could find, when she froze before this being.

Her fingers hung loose from the handle as she was mesmerized by what she described as a God-like presence. She was seeing, yet hardly believing what her eyes were processing.

The aura bordering the doe's form gleamed like a blinding flare, which forced the lady to shield her face. Yet, she insistently squinted through her fingers. When her sight finally adjusted to this new brightness, there she saw its animal frame remoulding itself to look more... human.


A/N: For those who aren't yet aware, a new chapter will get released every Saturday at 12:00AM (GMT + 10:30)

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