Chapter 15 - Anyway the Wind Blows

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With her newfound ability to glide through the open air, Chloe flew down closely to sea level and brushed her palm and fingers on the surface, trails of powder-white foam sprouting behind her; it made the inner child in her giggle.

Raising her altitude again, she changed into a daredevil when she decided to practice a few flips and corkscrews; she also attempted a close dive towards the water before pulling back up, which nearly proved fatal.

Settling herself shortly, Chloe turned until she was floating on her back to look back up to the star field above, her arms and fingers spread open to balance herself.

This is what it feels like to be free. This is what it feels like to have power. Hella awesome!

As she continued staring at the night sky like another canvas masterpiece, she brought one hand over her face and squinted when a bright gold aura emerged from that backdrop. Freeing her gaze, Chloe watched in awe as this... spiritual glow... writhed and steamed like an underwater ribbon.

"Aurora Borealis." Chloe stated quietly, recalling what her father, William, used to call these kinds of lights. "I guess I'm supposed to go up there, huh?"

Following her instinct, Chloe faced back down so she could shoot straight upwards to follow that northern light, or whatever it was.

When she neared this golden mist, it too began to travel upwards in a straight. This forced the winged bluenette to work her new muscles harder just to keep up.

From the way they continued ascending upwards without any hint of changing course, she had to wonder if she was about to be taken into outer space.

"Don't worry, Chloe." Rachel's voice projected from the aura, as if reading her mind. "We're not taking you to outer space."

"Then... where are we headed?"

"Anyway the wind blows..."

Chloe froze up upon hearing that other voice that answered her. It was a man's, but not only that, there was a familiar sing-song tone in it that sent waves of shivers down her spine; it was one she believed she would never hear again in her life.


It was a mistake, for it was the voice of William.

In a matter of time, a swirl of pure white energy that appeared to be some wormhole was within sight as they drew closer to it.

"I—Is this where we're supposed to go?" Chloe asked Rachel, getting nervous.

"You tell me." She simply replied. "Or better yet..."

Immediately, before Chloe could process it, she was already enveloped in this wormhole's brightness. Any semblance of control she had over her path slipped away as she felt herself being towed through this surging tunnel, the outlines of her body disappearing in this whitewash; to her, it was like entering light speed as seen in those space movies.

Normally, she would be panicking and thrashing about, but the voices of her late father and friend provided her with enough comfort to breathe and trust this route she was being taken through.

"Anyway the wind blows..." Chloe repeated. "Whatever the hell that means."

Just as the winged girl managed to balance herself, she felt an unseen surface careening her way, and instinctively, she folded both arms over her face to brace for whatever impact.

"Oh, shit!"

She felt her body shoot out of the wormhole like a cannon before diving into a substance of powder that softened her crash-landing.

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