Chapter 12 - A Strange Visit to the Hospital

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By the time the family of three arrived at the hospital and found a decent parking spot just outside the building, they exited their car to find a large gathering of suits, cameras, and microphones, in front of the entrance. It was the press, having come all this way to make their coverage; it either had to do with the storm, or something else, Chloe figured.

She hoped to God it wasn't the latter.

The security was there with enough numbers to blockade all those journalists and anchors from barging inside.

When one reporter turned her head and recognized the blue-haired punk from the video that went viral just as they approached, she felt the need to call it to everyone's attention.

"Hey, it's her! The other girl!" Aggressively, she pulled her cameraman along as she jousted up to them with her ready microphone. The rest of the press caught on and raced after her to get their scoop.

In less than a second, Chloe, Joyce, and David, had to now wade through a stall of microphones being shoved in their faces, all begging to get a scoop, questions were blowing up at them like firecrackers.

"Can you explain this phenomenon?"

"Do you know what's happening to Max Caulfield?"

"Are you familiar with her?"

"What's happened to Rachel Amber?"

"Is it true that they both have powers?"

"How long have you known the girl?"

"Can you give us any further information about Rachel's whereabouts?"

"What's the entity's connection to Max Caulfield?"

Neither of the three was in any such mood to answer their questions. They just wanted to get the hell inside so they could see Max, but these people weren't making it easy for them by the minute.

With a scowl, Chloe held a hand in front of her face to shield herself from the oncoming blows of camera flashes as David guided her and her mother through this jungle of nuisance.

Finally, they made it to the security. The guards parted to let them through so they could rush through the doors and get away.

Once inside, Chloe huffed on her knees like they had been squeezed between two rollers.

"Vultures." She spat. "Come on, let's get already."


The whole atmosphere became a fridge to Chloe as a nurse led them through the hallway on the top floor. As she felt her friend drawing closer, she was both yearning and afraid to see her, and she couldn't tell which feeling was stronger.

When they found the door to Max's room, Chloe's heart began to drumroll and she held a breath.

"You nervous?" Joyce asked, noticing her tense posture.

Chloe nodded while swallowing.

"She should be fine, honey."

"For Rachel's sake, I hope to God so."

When they entered a room full of life-supporting machinery and IVs, they first found two figures standing between them and Max's bed, faces that neither Chloe nor Joyce would ever see again.

"Ryan! Vanessa!"

"Mr. and Mrs. Caulfield!"

Max's parents came over to greet the family with hugs and kisses.

"Chloe! Joyce!" Vanessa cried, cupping Chloe's cheeks. "It's so good to see you!"

"Right back at ya!" Chloe winked back.

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