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~falling for you~

Alora enters the home, "I am back." She says, "Welcome back." Daniel and Jungkook both says, "Dinner is ready, Alora fresh up and Daniel pause the game already." Jungkook Says, they both nods, Alora quickly fresh up and comes to the dinning table, Jungkook holds Aeri in his arms, "Now What are We gonna do?" Jungkook asks, "ofc eat." Daniel says, "Yes Mr Genius I Know that I am talking about taetae hyungie." Jungkook Says, "Yeah about that me and Alora are going to go to meet Felix." Daniel says, Alora chokes on her food, "I was never informed about it." Alora says, "Now You do?" Daniel says, Alora nods, "Okay, so after we visits him, we will decide what we have to do." Daniel says, as he takes the bite, "Alora can you call Kai also, we can just go in his Car over there." Daniel says, Alora nods.

Morning 5:30 AM.

Kai was ready with his car, standing outside the Jeon's home, they all came out, "So I thought only Alora and Daniel were coming?" Kai asks, "I am also free so I am coming too." Jungkook Says, Kai nods, "get in, we need to go to Daegu as quick as possible." Kai says, they all nods.

After noon 3:34 PM
Location: Daegu.

"Now to where?" Jungkook asks, "ohh there is xyz village let's get there." Daniel says, Kai nods, after Half hour they reached to the village, and to Felix home, they knocked on the door, the door opened revealing a woman in her 50s, "Yes, how may I help you kids?" She asks, "We want to Meet Felix." Daniel says, "Are You by chance his friends?" She asks, "Yes, we are." Daniel lied, she smiled fondly, "This is the first time his friends came to visit him, please make yourself at home, I'll call him." She says with small and pleasant smile, they all enters the home, after few minutes, Felix's Mom came back and says, "He Call you all upstairs." She says, they nods and gets up to go upstairs.

They reached to the Felix's room, as they opens it, they saw Felix was sitting near the window, "Welcome, Knew it You all would come to meet me." He says, as he turned his eyes on them, "So, As you already know, I am Sure You already knows the reason why We are here so say?" Daniel says, "Tae hyung didn't had any enemies infact I was his only friend, except me he only knew his Uncle's family, his parents died due to some severe illness, and his wife left him, but she is of no suspect she just left him for money, and she had nothing she wanted to take from Taehyung not even the girl in your hand, she just thinks  that the lil one in your hand was a mistake, which cannot be erased." Felix says in one go, "One More think, hyung didn't had  good relation with his Uncle or his family, Maybe You should visit them." Felix said, "They leave in the end of the street over here." He added, as he again looks at the window looking out.

They left the Felix's home, "was I the only one who thought he was WEIRD?" Kai asks, everyone shooks, they all thought that the way Felix behave was strange and he surely knew something more than that, but they have no rights to force him to speak that, they slowly started walking to the down to the end of the street, "Alora, here hold Aeri and You'll stay outside, you are not coming in, I am not sure how they people are." Daniel says, They all nods, as Daniel had the point.

They knocks on the door, while Alora stands away from the home, the door was opened by a girl in her mid 20s, "How May I help you?"  Jungkook Says, "We would like to meet, Mr and Mrs Kim, Please." Kai says, "Come in, they are at home." She says, they nods and enters, they looks at the place, they saw someone was reading news paper, but the person was in search of something in paper, soon the person kept the paper down as he wanted to welcome the guests, as the person's and Jungkook's eyes mets, they both were dead shock, "UNCLE KIM?" "JUNGKOOK?" They both said it together, this made a women in her 40s came out of Kitchen, "Kookie?" SHE says, on shock, "Aunty Kim?" Jungkook Says, 'how come hyung had bad relation with them?" Jungkook questioned himself, "How did you suddenly decided to visit to us?" Uncle Kim asks, "And where is Alora..?" Aunty Kim asks, "Daniel Call her in!" Jungkook Says, he nods and quickly calls her in, as she comes in she was shock to see her favorite past neighbors standing right infront of her eyes as a suspect. "Who's baby is it?" Aunty Kim asks, "Kim Taehyung's"

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