Chapter 8 - Reckoning (RATED M)

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TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter contains scenes of sexual exploitation. Read at your own risk.


Rachel's control over Max's psyche got even more out of control when the girl started thrashing again, except this time it didn't appear like another electrical torture device was being injected into her body, but rather, like she was trying to break free from some restraints.

She was also making pained gargles out of her throat, mixed with shallow gasps and terrified whimpers; it's like someone was trying to either suffocate, strangle, or drown her.

"This is getting out of hand!" David complained.

Eventually, Rachel couldn't keep her focus any longer and was forced back out of Max's head, the entity's face riddled with half the stress of everyone else.

Chloe eyed upward and spotted some frat runaway recording this incident on his phone, triggering her fury for about the twenty-fifth time today. "You get rid of that phone right now, you fucking frat-bag, or I'll HELLA fuck you up!" This day was stressful enough as it is without some insensitive fool deciding to exploit her friend's misery to get views.

The frat-boy apparently didn't listen or didn't hear her, and Chloe was about to blow her top.

Just before the punk could leave her beloved just to unleash her wrath on this guy, Frank Bowers of all people beat her to the punch. He simply marched up to the guy, ripped his phone away, and proceeded to shove him back through the crowd before chucking the device back.

"Fuck off outta here!" He grunted.

The frat boy miserably picked up his still functioning smartphone, stopped its recording, and then hurried out of there, cursing under his breath.

Through the desperation, Chloe couldn't help but be surprised to see a noble favour committed by the same drug dealer who had hassled her time and time before; a tiny peak of respect for him had surfaced, she had to admit, but she couldn't dwell on that now.

Shifting back to Max, she was shocked at how sticky her hand felt around the back of her head once she realized it; her hair was darkened and dampened around her scalp, her bangs stuck to her aggressively humid face. Her shirt as well was drooled in her sweat, sticking to her torso like a wet rag; Chloe and Joyce wanted to remove her jacket, but with her hand still unconsciously locked around Rachel's wrist, they decided not to chance it.

"For everyone else," Rachel began, her voice booming through the whole Diner, "clear out now!"

Everyone paused momentarily to process the echoed instruction before they all proceeded to shuffle their way out through the exit while murmuring. Kate was one of the last few to leave, alone with Victoria; she just looked back and nodded as her way of saying 'Good luck' before continuing out.

Once everyone was outside, they all just idled in the middle of the empty road in front of the Diner, keeping their distance well away; they were all still eager to see this through, especially Frank.

Victoria had her arm over Kate, who had her hands cupped around her cross hanging over her heart again. Victoria too wanted Max to make it through this just as much, because despite their differences, she knew the hipster didn't deserve to go through this.

Suddenly, another howl of thunder hovered down from the brooding sky, reminding them of the entity—Rachel's power, giving them a stray beam of hope.


Max found herself restrained to a stretcher that was being wheeled through a dark corridor. As she tried squirming her head, hands, and feet, out of their bondage to no avail, she also realized that she was nude from the passing air licking at her bare skin.

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