Chapter 5: Drago

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The cave was being blown apart

Valka ran out to see the cave surrounded by ships

"Oh.. oh no."

"Val, its alright. We're a team now." Stoick reassured

"Now what do you want to do?" He asked

"We have to save the dragons."

"Aye, you got it. Come on, kids!"

All the dragons were flying towards the ships and soldiers were firing arrows everywhere


Drago walked put

"Whatever comes, keep hitting the mountain. We need to draw the Alpha out

Drago's armoured dragons flew out and fought the dragons from the cave

"Ready the traps!"

Large metal cages opened up to reveal chained dragons

The others went down to help but were trapped inside too

A green smoke emerged from one of the traps and it blew apart

"Suprise!" Tuffnut cheered


"What?" Drago turned around angrily

Eret was hanging on to stormfly

"Waah! Woah! Oh!"

Astrid was on meatlug with fishlegs

"You really are full of suprises!" He complimented Eret

He jumped across on to stormfly

"Dragon riders coming through!" Snotlout said

"Fire!" Fishlegs yelled and meatlug let out fire which blew up one of the shields

Snotlout and hookfang set fire to the weapons

Tuffnut and Ruffnut blew gas over the traps and stormfly set fire to them

The dragons inside were able to get rid of their chains and they flew out the traps

"Cut them down!" Drago yelled

Nets were being fired and Ruffnut fell off her dragon

"Eret, son of Eret!" She called as she fell past Eret and Astrid

She was about to hit the ground but snotlout and fishlegs caught her

She looked up to see them both with smoulders on their faces

She smiled dreamily


Shots were being fired at stormfly

"Up, girl! Lean left, eret!" Astrid guided

"That's it!"

They dodged the fire and it blew apart the ice

"Look out!"

The ice was about to crush then but it was blown apart

(Y/n) and Hiccup were on their dragons

Astrid and Eret looked above them

Toothless shot down Shields

"Yeah, baby!"

Reaper launched thick streams of potent acid at his targets

"Watch out!"

The acid dissolved through the weapons and caught fire

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