Chapter Ten: Dangerous Tides

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"I don't see why I have to do this," Emmet whined as Benny dragged him toward the water.

"It'll be fun, trust me!"

"I think it would also be a good idea," Rex added as he followed at a more sedate pace. "Just imagine the surprise those Scalans would get if they tried throwing you off a ship again."

"Somehow I don't think they would take that risk a second time," the prince muttered as his bare feet hit the warm water.

Benny grinned at him. "Oh, quit complaining. Come on, the water's warm and calm, and it's not too deep here, it's perfect for learning how to swim!"

"I really don't think I'm physically capable of learning how to swim like you."

"Pfft. I can swim human-style too. Now come on!" He gave Emmet's arm a sharp tug on the last word, sending the prince flailing into the water. Rex roared in laughter as Emmet surfaced again, coughing and spluttering.

"Am I the only one who finds it odd how familiar Rex is with your prince?" Lucy remarked, standing further back with Mayhem.

Mayhem hummed softly. "I suppose it does seem a little strange to outsiders. But when Rex first joined the royal guard, we learned some interesting information that strongly suggests the two of them might actually be brothers. I mean, they do look an awful lot alike. Rex took it to heart and decided that Emmet is his brother, and has treated him accordingly ever since."

That earned her a surprised look from the pirate captain. "But if Emmet is the prince, how can they be brothers?"

"He's adopted."

Lucy turned her attention back to the three men splashing about in the water. "Oh."

"It's a long, convoluted, and... not altogether pleasant story," Mayhem sighed. "But the short of it is, King Sirius unexpectedly found himself in the possession of an orphaned infant not even a week old, and seeing how having children of his own wasn't in the foreseeable future, decided to keep him."

"So the rumors are true."

"No." Lucy turned a startled look onto the knight at the vehemence with which that single word was said. "King Sirius is different, certainly, but those rumors were started with malicious intent, by a woman who never truly cared about him in the first place. She had an impeccable public face, but she was a downright terror every time she visited before they got married, and even more of a nightmare afterward. She tried to get my parents and the Callaghans fired and kicked out of the palace- or worse- at every available opportunity. Thank goodness for Vitruvius, he talked King Arthur out of it every time. I wasn't there to actually witness what had happened, but I'd heard she was chasing Sirius down the hall screaming at him when they ran into the Captains. No one's ever told me what she was screaming about, but it made Cary furious enough to compel her to return to Paradisa, and that act of protectiveness is likely what inspired the rumors, and they did their job well. No one wanted anything to do with him after that. But they also brought Emmet to him, and honestly, I think that was for the better. Emmet means the world to him."

"And Da stole him away..." Lucy sighed. "Now I just feel bad."

"Don't." Mayhem smiled down at her. "He could have been on his way home already, but he's still here because he chose to be. He sees something worthy in all of you, and I've learned to trust his instincts."

"And you trusted those instincts when the meeting with the Scalan royalty sent him running for the hills?"

"I did, actually. And recent events have only further cemented that trust. I just hope His Majesty takes the news well when the Captains tell him about it."

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