Chapter Seventeen: Go Your Own Way

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Unsurprisingly, the king was waiting for them when the Diligente finally docked in Bricksport once again. Emmet was quick to run down and launch himself at his father, who held onto him like his life depended on it. "I was starting to think you would never come home..."

"I couldn't do that. I'd miss you too much."

"We won't be staying long," Alastar announced as he joined them.

"What? What do you mean?!"

"He means we have a plan to force the Scalans' hand and put an end to this nonsense," Rex explained as he strode down the gangplank, May close behind him. "We want to run it by you first, of course."

Sirius frowned at them. "You better." His gaze drifted to the two ships that kept a tentative distance from the city. "Are those your new pirate friends?"

"That's them!" Emmet chirped. "I'm so excited I can finally tell you! They taught me how to swim!"

The king gave his son a surprised look. "They did?"

"They did," Alastar confirmed, "and he's been taking every available opportunity to practice. He's getting quite good at it." Emmet beamed proudly at the praise.

"Yeah, becoming a regular fish, this one is." Rex reached over and ruffled Emmet's hair. The prince pouted at him and attempted to fix his hair.

"Rex, haven't you tormented him enough?" May chided softly. She gave a polite bow to Sirius in greeting. "Your Majesty."

"Well at least one of you has remembered your manners," Sirius sniffed, though he didn't seem all that offended. "Come, we'll have supper, and then we can discuss this plan of yours. And make sure your, um, friends, know they're invited as well."

Emmet  could remember his father telling him what royal dinners were like when  he was still a boy

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Emmet could remember his father telling him what royal dinners were like when he was still a boy. The long dining table would be filled with courtiers and whatever nobles currently held King Arthur's favor. The tradition continued while King Sirius' former wife still lived in the palace. The very day she had left, the social dinners had come to a complete stop. Sirius preferred a more intimate setting, and Emmet could count on one hand the number of times his father had entertained guests. Typically it was just his father, himself, Vitruvius, and the Callaghans. May would join them when she had time to spare.

So it was a bit strange to the prince to see the table so full, with the presence of both the pirates and the best captains in the Octan navy. It made for a very tense affair. The pirate officers attempted to be on their best behavior and emulate everyone else's table manners, with varying and often amusing results. Eventually Keelan took matters into his own hands, and began the tale of his most recent adventure. Slowly everyone began to relax, after being presented with a neutral topic of discussion.

Once dinner was finished and out of the way, the king leaned forward, all business now. "So what's this plan of yours?" he asked.

Emmet tuned them out as they discussed it, having heard it several times already as it was passed on to the other captains and memorized. He closed his eyes, taking comfort in the familiar surroundings and familiar voices. He hadn't realized how much he'd missed home in the few weeks he'd been gone.

It didn't come as much of a surprise when his father ended up agreeing with Rex's plan. He remained in his seat, watching as the captains left to begin preparations, getting up only to return the hugs Ma and Pa were so eager to give him before they too left the dining hall with their youngest son. "Father, do you have a moment?" he asked.

"I do. What's on your mind?" Emmet chewed his lip, hating that he had to do this when his father had been so happy to have him returned safe and sound. "Emmet."

"I'm not staying," he finally blurted. Sirius stilled, staring at his son. Emmet gave him a pleading look. "There's got to be another way to put a stop to this. If I could just talk to Princess Lotte, try to come to an understanding and end this war before any more lives are lost..."

Sirius sighed, dragging a hand through his hair. "There's nothing I can say or do that would convince you not to go?"

"I know you don't want me to," the prince murmured, "but I have to do this. If I could just get people to listen..." He leaned into the embrace when his father pulled him close.

"I understand," Sirius said, almost too softly to hear. "Just promise me you'll stay safe?" Emmet nodded. "And don't forget your sword this time. I don't know what I would do if I lost you."

"I promise," Emmet told him. He gave his father the most reassuring smile he could manage as the king squeezed his shoulder. Sirius looked like he wanted to say something else, but instead sighed again, shaking his head as he walked away. The prince turned his attention to Vitruvius as the old advisor stepped up to his side with a contemplative look. "Yes?"

"I know he has trouble actually saying it most of the time, but he's proud of you."

Emmet's smile was a little more genuine this time. "I know."

The wizard pinned him with an amused stare. "And I know how you operate, so I shall impart this bit of wisdom to you: you can't give more than yourself. I want you to keep that in mind, should things not turn out the way you hope." The prince blushed faintly, giving him a nod. Vitruvius reached out and patted his arm. "Good luck, my prince."

"Thank you, Vitruvius."

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