Chapter Sixteen: On the Horizon

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"I cannot, for the life of me, understand why these people seem so intent on murdering your prince!" Benny huffed, waving his arms around as he paced about the captain's cabin on the Diligente. Emmet watched him with wide eyes as he sat curled up in a chair.

"Demoralization," Amelia supplied. "The death of the prince would devastate the people."

"Not to mention cause the king to come unhinged," Cary added. "It would give the Scalans an edge."

Emmet blushed at that. "Oh come on guys, I'm not that important..."

"Yes you are," both naval captains insisted together, then glared at each other for it. Lucy rolled her eyes.

"Heaven forbid the two of you ever agree on anything," she muttered, though secretly, she felt the same- and she was certain that many of the pirates on both her and her father's crews did as well. Emmet had grown on all of them, in the short time they'd known him.

"It's a wonder they haven't thought to just lie about it," Bruce pointed out. "Even with your daily assurances that he's still alive and well, no one will have proof of it until he returns home. Doubt's a pretty effective tool as well."

"Don't say that any louder, you might give them ideas."

"Thought we were supposed to be comin' up with a plan to put an end to this?" Metalbeard interrupted. "I've no intentions of fightin' a years-long war- not even for ye, prince."

"I don't blame you," Emmet sighed. "I certainly don't want to, either."

Rex finally glanced up from the map he'd been studying, laying it down on the table between them all. "I think our problem is that we're trying to be too delicate about this plan."

"You call sinking ten warships in the span of two weeks delicate?" Cary scoffed. Rex waved him off as he turned his attention to the prince.

"I understand you'd prefer to talk them down, kid, but as Callaghan just pointed out- these people have already proven they're not willing to listen. Their capitol city is right on the coastline, just like Bricksport- I say we load up on as much ammunition as we can get our hands on and sail over there, have Kitty open a path for us, and just rain hell down on their heads until they give up."

"But so many innocent people could die...!"

"You're an innocent people, and they have zero qualms about trying to make you dead." Emmet huffed at him. "And you can't deny it would certainly get our point across."

"Alright," Emmet groaned. "Alright... If that's the only plan we've got. But I'm coming, too."

Amelia started to protest. "Your Highness, I don't think-"

"I promised I wasn't going to leave until my friends get what they're after." Benny and Metalbeard shared a glance at that, the first mate biting his lip.

"Lad, ye don't have to-"

"I promised."

"...Aye, that ye did," Metalbeard gave up the argument, as he caught the determined look in the prince's eyes. He glanced at Callaghan- yep, he saw it too.

Perhaps there was another plan that could work. All Emmet needed was a chance.

As they stepped out of the cabin, Amelia froze, staring around. Benny paused as well, tilting his head as he listened. "What is that?"

"It sounds like someone singing." Benny shuddered. The voice was powerful, but something about it sent shivers down his spine. He glanced up as Cary stepped out behind him, listening. "Relative of yours?"

The siren perked up, apparently recognizing it. "Our brother."

"What's wrong with his voice?" The question earned him a sharp glare. Benny jolted back, holding his hands up. "Okay, touchy subject, I get it. Sorry."

Cary stared hard at him for another moment, then turned away. "...You didn't know," he allowed. "You can actually hear it this time?"

"It's so weird. It's not making my head buzz like your voice did, but I do kinda feel like I need to yell that I'm here."

Alastar switched out, chuckling. "He's searching for us," he explained. "Your merrow blood probably protected you from falling under our spell, but a Searching Song? That's harmless, especially when you're not the target." He spread his wings, flying up to the crows nest to respond in kind. Benny listened in wonder, hearing them so clearly now without the buzzing in his head. Lucy nudged him, smirking at the look on his face. He blinked, coming back to himself. "What's that look for?"

"You're too funny, Benny."

The other siren's voice fell silent. Benny guessed he heard his brothers' call. Within a few minutes, he could spot something white on the horizon. An albatross? Amelia scowled.

"And that's my cue to leave. The fewer of them I have to put up with, the better." No one stopped her as she made her way back to her own ship.

The 'albatross' grew larger as it approached, and Benny realized that was no seabird. That was their brother. Finally he landed on the deck, folding swan-white wings behind his back. "Oh the poor thing," Lucy breathed, giving him a pitying look. Benny just stared. Unlike the captains, he looked only partially human, with feathers starting at his neck and traveling down his back, arms and legs, fingers tipped in sharp claws, feet like eagles' talons, and his eyes were startlingly white. Alastar dropped down beside him, wasting no time in pulling him into a tight hug.

"What are you doing here?"

"Sirius s-sent me to look for you. Where's- where's Emmet?"

"Uncle Keelan!" the prince in question cheered, pushing his way through the pirates to launch himself at the younger Callaghan. "You're back!" Keelan smiled, hugging him back. "How was the expedition? Did you find anything new?"

"What did Sirius send you for?" Cary prompted.

"I promise I'll t-tell you later," Keelan told Emmet before turning to his brothers. "There was... an attempt. At the pa-palace. It's- it's n-not that he doesn't trust your reports, he just..."

"Doesn't trust our reports," Cary drawled in amusement. "As if we would ever lie about Emmet's well-being. Just as well that we've been discussing plans that would have us returning home soon anyway."

"You are?" Keelan perked up, then leaned against his brothers. "Good. I'm- tired."

"I can imagine. When was the last time you've flown that far?"

"A-a while..."

"What do you mean an attempt at the palace?" Emmet interrupted. "Father's not in trouble, is he?"

"No, b-but you would have been, if- if you'd been home."

Rex rolled his eyes. "There's been 'attempts' on him almost daily for the past two weeks. Scalans must've given all their sailors orders to off him if they saw him."

"...Perhaps we b-best not tell His Majesty that," Keelan said, looking surprised. "He's worrying en-enough as it is."

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