Chapter 1

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Daniella's Pov

The hot sun seems to be piercing into my skin like needles, it could have been doing the same to my head and face if I hadn't cover it with my sun hat. I've been in the plantation since morning, seeding for the season that seems to be fast approaching because of the harsh sun.

"Jeez! This summer season is a hot one, I wonder when we'd enter winter…my skin can't bear the harshness of this summer any longer." Helena said with a pout which made me chuckle on her cuteness.

Helena Soler is my childhood best friend, we do a lot of things together mostly sharing our happy and sad lives together. Just like me, she's from a pauper family. We work for people's planation in exchange for money, that's how we do to earn a living in this simple lives of ours.

"C'mon princess, it's little already so let's round up quickly so our skin won't get tanned!" I half yelled to her because she's across the fields.

"You know, I wish a prince charming can come and sweep me off my pauper's life." She said dreamily, leaning to her rake stick.

"It's sweet to day-dream, but don't get drown in it." I said with a chuckle.

"You know you are a dream killer!" She yelled with a fake frown, making me chuckle.

This friend of mine can be so sweet with her curly blond hair, I admire her blond hair a lot but God decided to give me black hair instead.


After we were done seeding the plantation, Helena had to go to the market to help her mother in selling tomatoes, leaving me to walk home alone. I swear I'll make her pay for making me walk all alone under this cruel sun.

On reaching the house, I pulled my boots and gloves, then my hat before making my way into the house. I stood stunned at what's in front of me, everything seems to be turned upside down. We don't have much property though, but that's the little we can provide.

But why is our little property scattered like some wild animal invaded the place?!

My eyes suddenly caught hold of my father on the floor, groaning in pains. I immediately went to him, I managed to raise him up to his feet and placed him on a wooden seat of ours. His forehead seems to be bleeding, panicked I went to our old kitchen cabinet and brought out a first aid kit.

I went back to him, opened the kit and brought out a dressing solution and started wiping the blood. After I was done, I applied some ointment and then bandaged it. He seems to be gasping in pain, I went to the kitchen and came out with a glass of water which he gulped down.

"What happened father?! Who did this to you and our home?!" I asked, curious to know what really happened here.

"Car… Carlos…his men. They came for their money." He said, groaning in pain.

Carlos is a loan shark who had lent my father money to save my sick mother six months ago. Unfortunately she couldn't make it. Now these dangerous people are on our neck for their money, what are we supposed to do about it?


"What?!" Helena half yelled after I had told about the incident that happened at my house today.

"What are you going to do now?" Helena asked as we strolled.

To be honest, I've been pondering real hard on what to do about this loan. Dad said they would come back by next week to collect their money or his death, him dying would mean me dying as well. He's the only family I've got!

A Matter of Wife and Debt {Ongoing} !! Wattys2024Where stories live. Discover now