would you leave us?

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Draculaura entered the dorm room after her presentation, it had gone very well but Clawdeen looked down, understandable, she was tricked by the were-pack twice. she still couldn't believe Clawdeen almost left them, stopped being best friends all because she wanted to be in a pack, she was already in a pack, their pack. she felt tears stinging her eyes , was she really gonna cry because of this? she sat on her bed sniffling, when the dorm door opened, revealing Clawdeen, who looked worried when she saw Draculaura

Clawdeen: Drac? are you okay?

Draculaura wiped her tears away and said

Draculaura: no, i'm not... would you leave us?

Clawdeen: what?

Draculaura: for the were-pack? or any other pack?

Clawdeen: No! Never!

Draculaura raised her voice

Draculaura: Well When You Thought The Were-Pack Was Your Friend, You Almost Left Us!

Clawdeen: yeah and I realized it was a mistake, I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me! I never should have trusted them...

Clawdeen's ears drooped, Draculaura's anger, turned into concern, she watched as Clawdeen slid to the ground, knees tucked into her chest. Draculaura didn't say anything, she just sat next to Clawdeen

Clawdeen: I would never, ever leave you or Frankie, I should have known they were just tricking me again, no matter what I do they will always see me as a human, but I don't care, you and Frankie are my real friends.

Draculaura began listening to Clawdeen's words

Clawdeen: because of you two my life has a purpose, a purpose to stay here, where I belong. because of your kindness, I know I can be myself, I don't have to hide who I am. back in the human world, nobody gets me, I was trapped in a world where everybody, except my dad hated me, I was bullied, mocked, I had zero friends, life was terrible. I was.. broken, I was lost, I didn't know what to do, so over time, I started believing those things about myself, that I was weird, awkward, and I didn't deserve love of any kind... I was drowning in my problems, but then I met you, you light my path and took me back to the light

Draculaura was touched by her words but felt bad for her life in the human world

Draculaura: really?

Clawdeen: yeah, sometimes it's like we know each other forever, you always know how to make me smile, you showed me monster culture, you're teaching me to be a monster! thank you so much. you have no idea how much this all means to me, you tell me everyday that I'm not alone, that I never have been

Draculaura smiled warmly and hugged Clawdeen tightly

Draculaura: I feel the same way, every day you make me and Frankie smile, even if we are in a bad mood. you make me feel like myself, that I don't have to be the perfect vampire everybody wants me to be, I can do witchcraft and be me around you. you mean so much to me Clawdeen, you always will you and Frankie both. I'm sorry for thinking you would leave us, I was stupid for ever thinking that

Clawdeen hugged back tighter

Clawdeen: oh don't be silly Drac, your feelings aren't stupid, they never will be, I promise I will never leave my pack, werewolves honor

Draculaura let go of the hug and stared into Clawdeen's eyes

Draculaura: I know my loyal pup

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