Sick Wolf

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today Clawdeen felt a bit off. it was Saturday and for the past week it's been freezing outside, Clawdeen would go out often since she has believed monsters can't get sick, she has seen her friends get colds but nothing too bad. but tonight was different, she woke up and felt very ill and Draculaura and Frankie noticed

Frankie: hey little sis... you okay?

Clawdeen: yeah, I'm- *sneeze*

Draculaura: are you sick? I told you not to go out without a coat!

Clawdeen: *cough*

Draculaura rests her hand on Clawdeen's forehead as Clawdeen whimpered

Draculaura: oh Deen, this isn't like a monster sickness... it's a human one, a fe...ver? is that how you say it?

Clawdeen just nodded before coughing again

Draculaura: i'm going to text your father, he has to know what to do...

after she did that, she kissed Clawdeen's sweaty forehead

Draculaura: we love you little sis

Clawdeen gave a weak smile

Clawdeen: I love you too big sisters...

Draculaura's Icoffin buzzed as she read the texts Apollo sent

Draculaura: okay your father said he sent some medicine about a week ago?

Clawdeen: oh yeah! I put it in your witch room *sneeze*

Frankie went in the room and came out with a purple medicine bottle. Draculaura takes it and pours some onto a spoon

Draculaura: open wide

she tries to put it in Clawdeen's mouth but Clawdeen covered her mouth with her paws

Draculaura: alright cut it out Deen!

she kept trying but Clawdeen kept moving and pushing it away

Draculaura: We Can't Do This All Night!

Clawdeen knocked the spoon out of Draculaura's hand, Draculaura growled and slammed her hands on Clawdeen's nightstand

Draculaura: CLAWDEEN!

Frankie jumped a bit while Clawdeen had tears in her eyes as she hid under her blanket. Draculaura realized what she did and sighed

Draculaura: listen Deen, i'm sorry I lost my patience, but you know I don't play these games, you aren't a 5 year old.... look I heard this type of medicine tastes terrible and I hope I won't have to drink it myself one day, but your dad is positive it will help you get better

Frankie: so can you take it so you can get better? so we can have fun and hang out again?

Draculaura: so we can see that little smile on your face again?

Clawdeen *sigh* alright...

Draculaura: Great!

Draculaura poured some more medicine onto the spoon and gave it to Clawdeen who did no like it


Draculaura takes a water bottle and hands it to Clawdeen

Draculaura: here it will get the taste out

Draculaura didn't even finish her sentence since Clawdeen had already finished the water

Frankie: now just rest there, and you'll be better in no time

they began to walk away but Clawdeen called out

Clawdeen: Wait! Don't Leave Me!

Draculaura and Frankie smiled warmly at their little sister and walked back over to her

Draculaura: well then scooch over sis

Clawdeen did what she was told and Draculaura and Frankie laid beside her

Clawdeen: w- *cough* won't you guys get sick?

Frankie: we're monsters silly, we can't get human sicknesses!

Draculaura: and hopefully we won't catch a Monster sickness

Clawdeen: wait you guys can get sick?

Frankie: uh, yeah? why do you think I missed classes on Friday?

Clawdeen: but I always thought monsters can't get sick

Draculaura and Frankie laugh at that

Draculaura: Of Course We Can Get Sick! everyone has a day when their not feeling well

Clawdeen: oh... I feel stupid

Frankie kissed Clawdeen's head

Frankie: it's okay little sis

Draculaura: now get some rest, me and Frankie will stay by you the whole time

Clawdeen smiled

Clawdeen: good...

they all hugged each other before falling asleep


Draculaura yawned as she turned over but ended up falling out of bed

Draculaura: Whoa!

she quickly got up and she thankfully didn't wake Clawdeen or Frankie. she noticed Clawdeen sniffling and looking worse than she did earlier. Draculaura gently grabbed Clawdeen, picked her up, sat down and set Clawdeen in her lap and began stroking her head. Clawdeen groaned and saw what Draculaura was doing

Clawdeen: big... sister? *sneeze* w-what are you doing?

Draculaura: whenever I felt sad my dad did this too me, feel better?

Clawdeen: yeah... a little, thanks Drac

Draculaura kisses her head

Draculaura: of course sis!

Draculaura laid Clawdeen back down and laid beside her

Draculaura: fright sis

Clawdeen: fright big sister...

they both closed their eyes and fell asleep

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