Sister Hate part 2 (NC)

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Clawdeen: so you've been having dreams of not being able to protect us, or even hurting us?

Draculaura sadly nodded. she rubbed the back of her neck

Frankie: do you... want to hurt us?

Draculaura's eyes widened at that

Draculaura: No! Never, Ever Think That Again! That Voice Is Making Me!

Frankie: But You Reversed The Spell!

Draculaura: Maybe I Didn't! Where's My Spell Book?

Clawdeen raced to the witch lair and ran back out with the book and handed it to Draculaura who opened it and read the spell

Draculaura: okay... no more bad feels, feelings concealed... there's another warning?

Clawdeen: they should really put the warnings before you read the spells

Draculaura: warning: this spell is permanent, there is no way to get rid of it, if you are reading this are you stupid? you really don't read warnings before spells?

there was silence

Draculaura: did a book just call me stupid?

*I'm here to stay...*

Clawdeen: there has to be a way to get rid of this... I Know!


Twyla: you want to go into Draculaura's dream?

Frankie: Yeah! So We Can Help Draculaura Beat This Thing!

Twyla: I guess tonight I could open a portal there... but I need to warn you, if you get hurt or die in the dream, you die in real life

Draculaura: Are You Two Sure?

Clawdeen: big sister, we'd do anything for you

Draculaura: I... I just want to keep you guys safe!

Frankie: I think you know that if you say no, we'll just do it anyway

Draculaura: *sigh* you two are lucky I love you


Clawdeen and Frankie were cuddling their big sister as she was sleeping. when Twyla came into the dorm, they kissed Draculaura's forehead and walked to her

Clawdeen: hey Twyla

Twyla: hi guys, you ready?

Frankie: yep!

Clawdeen: as I'll ever be!

Twyla smiled and nodded. she chanted something and opened a portal and watched as Clawdeen and Frankie jumped in


when Clawdeen and Frankie left the portal they saw Draculaura looking at a screen, the screen was playing the bad memories of them. they both looked at each other and gulped. they walked to Draculaura and Frankie tapped her shoulder

Frankie: big sis?

Draculaura suddenly turned to them, fear in her eyes.

Clawdeen: Dracy? i-it's us..

Draculaura: how can I be sure?

Clawdeen nuzzled her lovingly, Draculaura gently stroked her back.

Draculaura: Phew! it is you! I got scared for a second...

Frankie: what do we do?

Draculaura: ... Are You Two Telling Me You Came In Here With No Plan?

Clawdeen: we were hoping there would be something here for us to fight

Draculaura face palmed

Frankie: what the hell are we gonna do now?

Clawdeen: can't we lure it out?

Frankie: Great Idea! just one question

Clawdeen: what's that big sis?

Frankie: how do we do that?

Clawdeen: ... I have no idea

Clawdeen noticed something

Clawdeen: Drac?

Draculaura had her eyes closed and was thinking.

Draculaura: I can feel it... it's coming...

Clawdeen: what do we do?

Draculaura: promise me you'll run if this goes wrong.

Frankie: No Way! We're Staying Here With You!

Draculaura: But It's My Fault! If I Just Hadn't Done That Spell, None Of This Would Be Happening!

Clawdeen: It's Not Your Fault! You Couldn't Have Known-

Draculaura: *tears* No! You Two Couldn't Have Known! That's What I'm For! I Always Tell You Two What's Going On, And Now I Feel Completely Stupid! I'm Sorry!

Clawdeen: Dracy... we promise it's okay, no need beating yourself up about it.

they both grabbed Draculaura's hands.

Frankie: like it or not, we're sisters, and sisters stick together, alright?

Draculaura sniffled then nodded. suddenly green smoke filled the room, the three huddled close and when the smoke cleared, they looked down to see a little green ball floating

Voice: You Think You've Won? You May Have Won The Battle But You Haven't Won The War-

Draculaura walked over to it and stepped on it

Clawdeen: that was easy

Frankie and Clawdeen hugged Draculaura again

Frankie: wake up now


Clawdeen and Frankie jumped out of the portal and Draculaura sat up in bed

Clawdeen: thanks for the help Twyla

Twyla: what are friends for? if you need me, I'll be in the library

Twyla walked out of the dorm and shut the door. Draculaura got out of bed and hugged her little sisters

Draculaura: thanks for everything you two. I love you guys

Clawdeen: we love you too!

Draculaura noticed their tired eyes, she looked at the clock and saw the time

Draculaura: Wow! we only have 5 more hours of sleep? how long were we in there?

Frankie: don't know, don't care *yawn*

Frankie and Clawdeen fell deeper in Draculaura's embrace. the vampire chuckled

Draculaura: I'll tuck you two in

she tried to lead them to bed but they refused to move

Clawdeen: we want to *yawn* to sleep with you

Draculaura: I love you two, with all my heart. but you two know you have to start sleeping on your own

Clawdeen and Frankie looked down

Frankie: okay....

Clawdeen: fine...

Draculaura sighed

Draculaura: how about this, you two can sleep with me, but tomorrow you two sleep on your own. deal?

Frankie and Clawdeen: Deal!

they jumped on Draculaura's bed and Draculaura got in the middle. she covered them all up and kissed their foreheads

Draculaura: good-fright

Clawdeen: Don't Let The Demons Bite!

Frankie: Sweet Screams!

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