Clawdeen's Nightmare

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*NOTE: very, very short but very fluffy! just Draculaura and Frankie being great older sisters! when I think of another chapter, I'll make it longer, so enjoy the fluff! also if you want a word count, it's about 530*

Clawdeen was sleeping in her bed, cuddling Luna. she groaned and opened her eyes, upon hearing a clanking noise. she tried to ignore it and go back to bed but it just got louder and louder


Clawdeen looked around the dorm room but Draculaura and Frankie were not there. Clawdeen's ears lowered as the noise seemed to be getting closer and closer. all she could do was lay there and hope it was just her imagination. she looked to her nightstand and saw nothing, she looked at Draculaura and Frankie's bed and still saw nothing


Clawdeen's breathing got faster as she darted her eyes around the room but couldn't find the noise. she decided to wait for her sisters, so she got up and walked to Draculaura's bed and curled up on it, covering herself up with the blanket. a single tear rolled down her face as she nuzzled her pillow and tried to fall back asleep.


Clawdeen covered her ears while silently begging for it to stop, she then had enough and threw the blanket off and stormed to the dorm door to open it when the noise finally stopped. Clawdeen sighed in relief and was heading back to Draculaura's bed when


Clawdeen stopped dead in her tracks, her fists clenched as she wasn't scared anymore, just more annoyed by whatever this strange noise was, she checked Draculaura's Witch Lair but nothing was wrong there, she opened the window and looked outside but all she could hear was crickets, she even checked under the beds just in case and still, nothing was wrong and the noise stopped again. Clawdeen rushed back to Draculaura's bed and tried to sleep again


Clawdeen let out a loud growl as she threw the blanket off and marched to the door when the noise stopped again, she ignored it and opened the door

Askari: *ROAR*

Clawdeen: AHHHHH!!!!

he lunged at her but she jumped out of the way. he grabbed her with his paws and began tearing into her. Clawdeen let out a blood curdling scream but no one came, it was like they all left and she was the only one in the school, besides Askari. she tried to defend herself with her own claws but it was useless, she let out her final scream as Askari bit her neck, then everything went black


Clawdeen woke up with tears in her eyes. she saw Frankie and Draculaura sleeping on either side of her. she immediately hugged them while silently crying. they woke up and shushed her while holding her, all with their eyes still closed, they were tired but had to make sure their little sister was okay.

Draculaura: huh? *yawn* Clawdeen?

Frankie: hey, shh, shh, shh

Draculaura: don't worry little sister, it's okay, it's okay, we have you, your safe

Frankie: *yawn* everything is gonna be fine.. everything's gonna be fine...

Clawdeen calmed down but still hugged them. soon she drifted off along with Draculaura and Frankie who never let her go.

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