Happily Ever After

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( takes place after the season finale)

shortly after the Monster Ball, Clawdeen, Draculaura and Frankie went back to the dorm room to hang out before they had to go to bed.

Draculaura: That Was The Best Monster Ball Ever!

Frankie: I Know! I mean yeah, Catarina almost took over the world, mind controlled everyone and almost killed Clawdeen, but it was fun!

Clawdeen: yeah...

they looked at Clawdeen who was sitting on her bed cleaning her glasses. they shrugged and went on talking when Clawdeen asked

Clawdeen: so boos, have you two given any thought to your lovers yet? or, well, at all?

Draculaura: what do you mean Clawdeen?

Clawdeen: well, from fairy-tales I've read about, shortly after a ball, their prince charming comes along and takes them to their happily ever after, same thing for monster fairy-tales.

Draculaura: oh Clawdeen, you know better than that! they're just tales. some people don't even marry or have kids. and-

Claween: yeah, but most people at least get married or like someone. I mean that's how it goes right? dad read me all those stories when I was little

Frankie: Clawdeen, you know better than to believe in those fairy-tales

Clawdeen: *scoff* so says the monsters who go to a school for monsters. and in the human world, Monsters are just fairy-tales. anyboo, have you ever thought about it?

Draculaura: hmm, I guess we really haven't. I'd like to meet someone who's smart, charming, handsome, rich and can see stuff in a new light. how about you Frankie?

Frankie: kinda the same, but they better like dogs

Clawdeen: oh...

they watched Clawdeen continue to clean her glasses

Frankie: okay... who would you like us to meet Clawdeen?

Draculaura: yeah, what person do you thin-

Clawdeen: someone who loves you two as much as I love you

the two snap their heads toward her

Draculaura: what did you say Clawdeen...?

Clawdeen: I just  want you two to find someone who knows how great you are, how amazing you are, just like I do. I just.... well, you know. someone who will go with you guys to your happily after ever

Clawdeen turned away from her friends

Clawdeen: I-I just want to know, that whoever you end up with, that they're nice to you and love you and be great to you, ya know? I just want to know that they'll never, ever hurt you.

Clawdeen placed her glasses on her nightstand

Clawdeen: *tears* that's all I want boos. I just want you two to be happy. I j-just want you two to find someone who loves you as much as I do. that's all...

Clawdeen wiped her tears away while Draculaura and Frankie were at tears hearing Clawdeen's words. did she care about them that much? without another word they both hugged Clawdeen tightly. she smiled and hugged back

Draculaura: monster fairy-tales often, aren't kind to humans Clawdeen. but we wish the same to you. that one day, you'll find some boy who loves you as much as we do.

Frankie: yeah, when that time comes, we know you will have your happily after ever

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