Chapter 10: Chaos

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The last relationship isn't just the worst part of my life, I just realized I've been with some toxic friends all this time, for six years.

Can you imagine? For six years? And only now I realised it?

How can they be so hurtful? How can they, how can all of them, do this to me?

I've never known that I'll be a victim of bullying.

Chaos. It just sucks to think about it, that's why I've never told anyone about this part of the whole situation, not even my parents. I'll try my best to write it out in words.

Lisa pulled my hair into the school bathroom, threw me on the ground. My head was not mine anymore. Feeling dizzy and the world was spinning, I saw Hazel, Clara, and Celeste all looking at me, standing.

Celeste didn't seem to get into all this stuff, she looked afraid and wanted to help me, but she didn't dare to.

"My head hurts..." I mumbled.
"Hah, now you know how hard it hurts? All those things you did to us, ARE MUCH MORE PAINFUL THAN THIS!" shouted Lisa.

Clara laughed, "She probably forgot what she did."
"Don't you know she's such a forgetful person?" Hazel said sarcastically.

Celeste stayed silent.

"What did I do?" I asked them.
"What did you do? You didn't tell us all your things, your secrets! And you're so close with Amelia! You're telling her everything that you don't tell us? Are we your friends? WHAT'S THE BEST FRIENDS FOREVER FOR?" Lisa was outraged.

I mean, it's my freedom to be close with whomever.

I managed to get over them anyway. It just sucks talking about them. I'm sorry if y'all want to know more but I'm just so tired to talk about it again.

The end of six years of friendship, and also chaos. But the start of a new life.

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