Chapter 20

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As the clock ticked closer to the first class, Jaemin, having fulfilled his responsibilities as the student council president by patrolling the school for tardy or improperly attired students, couldn't help but notice the conspicuous absence of Jeno.

His eyes scanned the room, searching for Jeno, who usually sat right beside his friends. However, Jeno's seat was conspicuously empty, and Jaemin's brow furrowed in confusion.

Taking a seat at his own desk, Jaemin turned to Renjun, who was just behind him at the moment. "Hey, Renjun," he began, his voice laced with concern. "Have you seen Jeno? He's not here yet?"

Renjun's eyes widened in surprise, and he quickly glanced around the classroom. "Wait, I thought he was with you?" Renjun replied, his tone matching Jaemin's growing worry. "I haven't seen him since this morning."

Panic started to creep into Jaemin's chest but he tried so hard not to make it obvious as he realized that Jeno was nowhere to be found. He knows Jeno and it was unusual for him to be late or absent without informing him or his friends, at least one of them. He quickly grabbed his phone and sent a message to Jeno, hoping for a response.

Minutes felt like hours as Jaemin anxiously awaited a reply. The classroom buzzed with students taking their seats, but Jaemin's attention remained solely focused on his phone.

"Where are you Jeno?" He asked himself and eyes are still focused on his phone. He's just sneaking it because he doesn't want their teacher to call him for not focusing.

Time kept going, and Jeno still hadn't responded, making Jaemin feel more and more frustrated. He even asked Jeno's friends, but like him, they had no idea where Jeno was, and they were beginning to worry as well.

"Weird, he also didn't text me. It's not like him. If he's going to be absent, he should at least inform one of us." Donghyuck said and Renjun agreed.

"He only misses school when he's sick and he can't afforrd to miss now since it will affect his grades since attendance is also important. His mother will get mad."

"Maybe, he's just in his home and didn't feel like going to school." Karina said.

"You know that he rather spent his entire day in a library more than his home, right?" Renjun said.

Karina nodded. "Well, you're right about that."

Giselle sighed in frustration as she rolled her eyes. "It's his mom, always fixated on his grades, not even asking how her sons are doing in life or at school. She's so obsessed with those darn grades that she's neglecting her sons' lives. Just look at what happened to Jeno's brother! I wil never shut my mouth about her!"

"I know you're more concerned about his brother since he's your crush. It's fine." Renjun said. "And yes, I also knew that you're concern to Jeno."

"No, it's not like that at all! I'm worried for both of them. And please, it's all in the past! Move on Renjun!" Giselle nudged him.

Everyone except Jaemin can only stare at Giselle with a teasing look. She knows that they are just messing around.

Jaemin is really concerned about where Jeno is. It's the only thing on his mind before anything else.

Well, what they said is true. Giselle had indeed harbored a crush on Jeno's older brother during his college years, mainly because he had made quite an impression on her when she first laid eyes on him. Who wouldn't be smitten by such a handsome guy? His charm was irresistible, a sin not to admire.

However, that infatuation came to an abrupt halt when Giselle discovered he had a boyfriend. It was then that she decided to put an end to her adoration.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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