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"Bijuu/summons speaking"




A week has gone by since that day on the bridge. After Gato had been killed, the villagers rebelled and forced the bandits back and therefore, freeing wave. A lot of celebrations were heard and fireworks blown up. One house that didn't celebrate however, was Tazuna's house. 

Sasuke woke up two days later, healed but still very sore, Naruto still hadn't woken up and fell into a coma. Inari was absolutely crushed as his new hero was on the brink of death. Yet, nobody's grief could compare to that of Kakashi. 

The man didn't eat, didn't drink and no one has heard him speak, his sharingan eye was covered yet again but the eye that was open didn't look like it belonged on a human. It was dead, completely stripped of emotion and purpose. He would sit in Naruto's room all day and all night, never coming out. 

Finally, when Sasuke fully recovered, the team packet up and after a teary goodbye, made their way back to their village. Kakashi carried Naruto in his arms, doing his absolute best not to hurt the boy even more. The trip back was spent in silence, each member of the team pondering on the future of their team. Even Sasuke, after waking up, had a change of heart after finding out what his teammate did for him and the gift he sacrificed. As an Uchiha, the thought of loosing his eyes scared him even more than death, so for his teammate to do that for him, has caused Sasuke to respect his teammate unlike ever before.

When they finally got to the village, they didn't bother to check in at the gate and zoomed straight to the hokage's office.

At the Hokage's Office.

As team 7 appeared in the hokage's office, the old kage turned around with a pleasant smile on his face. That expression immediately disappeared once he saw the body of Naruto laying in Kakashi's arms, his face covered with bandages. He as even more alarmed when he saw the expression on Kakashi's face - he looked dead. In Sarutobi's many years of service, never has he seen a man or woman look more devastated than the man in front of him at that moment.

"Sasuke, Sakura. You are free. You can collect your payment at Shiro's office two floors below." Ordered Hiruzen, never taking his eyes of the blonde boy. 

Sasuke and Sakura nodded and exited the room. Once they were gone, Hiruzen commanded his personal ANBU to leave as well and put a privacy barrier around the room. Finally, he turned to look at Kakashi.


Kakashi continued staring at the bandaged face of Naruto but eventually started speaking. He proceeded to give the entire mission report as commanded. He stopped speaking after the part where he picked up Sasuke.

"Kakashi, what happened to Naruto?" demanded the hokage as he gripped the edge of his desk until a crack could be heard.

Kakashi kept quiet and after a while of tense silence, finally spoke up "Hokage-sama...I think it would be better if you looked yourself." 

The hokage nodded and threw all the papers of his hokage desk and nodded "lay him here"

The slightly surprised Kakashi nodded and gently, laid his student on on the desk "The only think I know is that he fought and killed Zabuza's apprentice, the wielder of the Ice release kekkai genkai." said the jounin

Hiruzen nodded to the information and with great trepidation, began removing the bandages one by one, the more he removed, the more his heart began racing. When he finally got to the last bandage that was covering the eyes he stopped breathing. It couldn't be what he thought could it? No, that was impossible he told himself. With shaky hands he removed the last bandage and the sight that greeted him nearly caused his heart to stop.

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