Chunnin Exams

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"Bijuu/summons speaking"




Team 7 proudly stood in front of the building where the first exam was going to take place. Naruto was getting a couple curious glances from both the international teams and the leaf's own teams. Finally, the doors opened and the teams were let inside.

"Guys what was the room number again?" asked Sakura as they climbed the first flight of stairs.

"317" replied Sasuke as they finally made their way up to the first floor. Strangely enough, the door in front of them sported the the number 317. 

"These fools, do they really think we would fall for such a basic genjutsu?" Sasuke got ready to berate the rest of the teams on their stupidity but was stopped by Naruto.

"Hey Teme, keep quiet, think about it - this test will weed out all the idiots so less competition for us no?" 

Sasuke considered Naruto's point and had to agree that his blond teammate was right. With this, team 7 made their way past the crowd and up the stairs. They were however stopped by a kunai that almost decapitated Sakura.

"And where do you think you guys are going?" asked a brown-haired girl wearing a Chinese kimono and looking strangely like a panda. She sported a leaf headband and held another kunai in her hand. Next to her, stood two boys: one clearly a hyuga based of his pale eyes and white kimono, the other one wore a green spandex with orange leg warmers and a bowl cut hairstyle.

"Dobe that guy on the right has an even shittier clothes choice than you did" whispered Sasuke as he stared at the spandex wearing boy, unbothered by his pink teammate's complicated situation. 

"What color is his spandex Teme?" 

"Green." At this response, Naruto gagged slightly, imagining the color combination.

"I asked you a question bitch!" yelled Ten Ten.

"Ten Ten please relax, they are fellow leaf gennin" responded the spandex wearing boy while trying to calm down his female teammate.

"Excuse these idiots, my name is Neji Hyuga, that is Lee and Ten Ten. We are team 9 under the leadership of Maito Gai."

Sasuke stepped forward "I am Sasuke Uchiha, that is Naruto Uzumaki and Sakura Haruno. We are team 7 led by Kakashi Hatake."

Neji nodded and focused his attention on the blonde member of team seven who was calmly tapping his pole against the floor, creating a dull and repetitive noise. "Is Uzumaki-san...blind?" inquired Neji, a slightly bewildered look on his face. At that the rest of team 9 stopped their actions and stared at the blond gennin.

"Well Neji-san you are correct, I lack what you call vision. However I'm not blind." 

"Oh stop with the bullshit!"interupted Ten Ten as she took out a senbon and threw it at Naruto before Neji could stop her. All of team 9 were shocked however when Naruto carelessly caught the senbon in his mouth and picked at his teeth.

"Thank You for the toothpick Ten Ten-san. I really needed a smaller one." Naruto chuckled at his own joke.

"H-how did you do that?!" asked a bewildered Ten Ten as she stared at Naruto chewing on the senbon.

An equally shocked Neji quietly activated his byakugan and stared at Naruto. What he saw nearly made him choke on air as he saw a sphere of chakra that completely surrounded the blonde and extended a couple feet away from him. 

"I see Naruto-san, you will be a most interesting opponent to beat on my way to victory" mentioned Neji.

"And what makes you think that you'll beat me?" aked Naruto.

"Fate" was the single answer he got as Team 9 climbed the stairs.

"Tsk, show off" grunted Sasuke as he also made his way up the stairs.

Naruto chuckled and followed his brooding teammate along with Sakura.


Ad the team climbed the stairs they stumbled upon Kakashi sitting on the rails, reading that ever elusive orange book. "Oh hey guys, I'm glad you're all here"

"Why wouldn't we be sensei? We are going to become chunnin after all" grinned Naruto as he continued chewing on the senbon.

Kakashi smiled at the blond and looked back to his other two students "What about you guys?"

"Hai sensei" came the unanimous response.

"Good, well in that case good luck! Oh and...don't die" with that final warning, Kakashi flashed away to the Jonin room where all the sensei were watching the gennin.

Looking between each other, team 7 nodded and opened the real room 317 and entered the 1st part of the exam.

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