Written Exam

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"Bijuu/summons speaking"




As Team 7 entered the exam room, they were immediately blasted with Killing Intent from the other gennin. However, previously being in contact with Zabuza, the measly KI generated by these guys was nothing.

"Eh look at that Sasuke, might just shit myself" chuckled Naruto as he knocked his pole on the floor - the item bringing curious stares to the weirdly dressed teen. 

"Hmph" was the response he got, however Naruto could sense that there was some humor in that grunt which made him grin even more. 

Their pondering was interrupted when a blonde ball slammed into Sasuke, nearly bringing the end to the Uchiha bloodline on the spot "Sasuke-kuuuun!! Did you miss me? I know being together with that chessboard made you feel so lonely" yelled Ino Yamanaka - member of team 10 and most importantly Sasuke's strongest fangirl. 

Sakura, slowly processing the insult clearly thrown at her took a minute to look down and cup her non-existent chest. 'Chessboard...'  once the insult was finally processed, steam started pluming out of Sakura's ears as she threw her body at Ino.

"Ino you bitch!!" sceetched the girl as she ripped of Ino from Sasuke's back and sent her tumbling to the floor. Meanwhile this was going on, the rest of team 10 made their way towards the males of team 7.

"Hey there Sasuke, who's that guy next to you?" asked Choji Akimichi as he munched on a pack of chips. His teammate Shikamaru Nara equally curious on the presence of this new mysterious individual.

"Oh c'mon guys, I put on a blindfold and you don't recognize your buddy anymore?" chuckled Naruto, leaning on his pole. 

The pack of chips fell from Choji's hands but was prevented from hitting the floor by the metal pole which caught the bag and tossed it back to Naruto. 

"NARUTO!!!?" Shikamaru and Choji yelled in unison, having heard of the tragic fate that befell their dear friend. 

Naruto did his best to stay on his feet as he was engulfed in a hug from the two teens. "But how are you here, I thought you were blind?!" muttered Shikamaru as he stared at the piece of cloth covering the blonde's eyes. Choji just kept clutching at the blonde,not believing his own eyes.

"Well Shika its a long story that I'll tell you over a couple bowls of ramen. The most important thing is that I am still a ninja and I'll for sure become a chunnin dattebayo!" Naruto visibly cringed when his infamous catchphrase managed to slip out once again.

Shikamaru laughed as he stared at his old friend - the boy he once knew had changed both visibly and mentally but deep down he was still that blonde idiot. "That's great to hear you troublesome blond. Only you could do something like this" a rare grin crossed Shikamaru's face as he ripped Choji of Naruto. 

Naruto's good mood was interrupted when he sensed a certain dog boy enter the room 'fuck, him again'  Naruto cried inside as the arrogant voice of Kiba Inuzuka pierced the tranquility of the room.

"Hey there Uchiha, Nara, Akimichi and who the fuck are you?" yelled Kiba, his brash voice sending waves of pain through Naruto's head. 

"Its me Kiba, haven't seen you in a while" replied Naruto.

"Well you look like you won't be seeing anyone anytime soon you blind idiot" laughed Kiba.

Naruto's grip around his pole tightened as a couple veins popped out on his forehead.

Naruto: The Blind Idiot SwordsmanWhere stories live. Discover now