The Blind Genin

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"Bijuu/summons speaking"




Naruto stood in front of his mirror, his hands shacking with anticipation. It has been 4 days since his meeting with Hiruzen and he was ecstatic to be back to being a ninja. He was wearing green cargo pants and a grey shirt with a yellow Uzumaki swirl on the back. Over that he wore a large brown trench coat (like Anko's) and his headband tied around his eyes. 

The reason for his excitement was than not only was he returning to the ninja roaster, but he could sense a figure rapidly approaching his location. He was amazed at the speed as the figure simply appeared and disappeared out of his "Chakra Dome". He knew that there was only one person who would rush to see him now - his new kinjutsu sensei who was also more than likely carrying his sword.

Hi theory was proven correct when a knock on his door broke him out of his musing. He rushed to the door and threw it open.

"Naruto Uzumaki *cough* *cough* is that?" 

Naruto frowned as he heard the man cough in such a way. He shook his head and focused all of his sensing ability on him: he was a man of average stature with a bandana styled headband. He was wearing a jonin flag jacket and was carrying a sword and his metal pole!

Naruto frowned at the inability of his technique to see color but reassured himself that he could see at all and that was the main thing.

"Yeah my name is Naruto, what's your name?"

Another fit of coughs followed "Sorry about that, my name is Hayate Gekko and I will be your kenjutsu instructor for the foreseeable future. Oh, Hokage-sama told me to give this to you, he also briefed me on your...situation." said Hayate as he handed Naruto his beloved pole. 

With shacking hands, Naruto took the pole and examined it. He could immediately tell it got a bit lighter and slightly longer. He threw the pole from on hand to the other and struck the ground. The pole didn't as much as scratch. One major change however, was a feather that was attached to one end of the pole

"I see you like it Naruto" said an amused Hayate "If you want to unsheathe it just go to the side with the feather and twist the pole. In case you're curious the feather is red."

Naruto thanked Hayate and grinned at the nice addition to his weapon, he did as he was told and when he twisted the pole, he could hear a faint click and the upper portion of the pole sliding off with a silent screech. His eyes widened under the headband as he felt the thin blade with his hands and sensing ability. He ran his fingers along the edge - feeling the sharpness of the blade and the cool metal feeling. He measured that the blade was longer than a normal katana being around a meter in length - making it an odachi. He also noted that the blade had no guard which made sense as it was fully sheathed into a pole. The blade was straight and had no imperfections or dents in the metal. Overall it as a masterful creation and he was more than satisfied.

"I see you like the blade as well Naruto, well one of the leaf's best smiths created this weapon. He told me himself when I picked up the weapon that this was one of the hardest requests he has ever had to fulfill. Hokage-sama also ordered both the blade and pole to be remade out of a chakra conducting metal so when you unlock your elemental nature you can channel it into the weapon.

At this point Naruto was jumping around his apartment yelling about how cool his new weapon was. Hayate looked at the boy and laughed which was interrupted by a fit of coughs. 

Naruto: The Blind Idiot SwordsmanWhere stories live. Discover now