Forest Of Death: Part 1

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"Bijuu/summons speaking"




Once the remaining genin in the room finally came back to their senses, they turned around to see the huge announcement sign: 'The sexy and single Anko Mitarashi!'

However what captured most of the attention in the room wasn't the sign itself but the woman in front of it. She was of average height with purple hair that was styled up in a pineapple hairstyle and brown eyes that lacked pupils. She was sporting a chesher grin which was highlighted by her rather revealing outfit consisting of a thin fishnet over a grey shirt and a short brown skirt. The long brown trench coat that the woman wore failed to hide her body from the intense gazes of the male half of the genin.

"Hello maggots! Name's Anko Mitarashi and I am the proctor of the second exam" Anko looked around the room, and scrunched up her eyebrows "Holy shit Ibiki you must begetting rusty - 30 contestants left! C'mon big guy, I expected more from you. Don't worry though, I'll cut these numbers by half at least."

Sakura gave an audible gulp at that 'Half!? What kind of exam are we about to do?'

While Sakura was in her own little world, Anko kept going "Meet me at training ground 46 in ten minutes, anyone who fails to come within that time period will be disqualified. See you there!" with that, she flashed away, leaving behind a trail of confetti.

Ibiki massaged his eyebrows "Only Anko would do something like that" he looked at the participants "What are you worms waiting for? Scram!"

With that, all the remaining teams started rushing towards training ground 46. As Naruto an his team were moving along the rooftops, Naruto couldn't help but grin 'The Forest of Death huh? Should be pretty fun'


As the final team arrived at the training ground, it became blatantly obvious that this was no ordinary training ground. In front of the genin stood tress hundreds of meters high and vegetation so dense no light passed through.

"You like it maggots? This is training ground 46 or as I like to call it: 'The Forest of Death'" Anko giggled maniacally as the stared at the reactions of the genin who all shivered at the sight. "Now then, these gentlemen right here" Anko pointed to the chunin next to her "are going to hand out all of you fliers that need to be signed so that you can participate, failure to do so will result in you failing the exam."

"What are the fliers for?" asked Sakura as she received hers.

"Well pinky, its to acknowledge that the leader of your village cannot blame the leaf in case of your...death."

Sakura froze "D-death?"

Anko smiled widely "Yes pinky, from this stage onwards fighting and killing is fully allowed so once you step foot in this forest, its your team versus all the other teams. This is why you will be provide with these" Anko took out a scroll with the word 'Heaven' written on it and handed it to Sakura. "The aim of this exam is for your team to reach the tower inside the forest with both of these scrolls" Anko took out a scroll identical to the one she gave Sakura and another one that said 'Earth' on it. "You are forbidden to open these scrolls before you reach the tower, if you're curious though, you can try" Anko winked at Sakura, sending shivers down the poor girl's back.

"Now then take your scrolls and pass the signed forms back to the chunin."

Naruto took his paper and shook nervously. He turned around to Sasuke and tapped him on the shoulder. Sasuke turned around and looked at Naruto "What is it dobe?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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