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Valentine's Day

"Fuck is taking so long?!" Jah gritted his leg shaking rapidly as they sat in the hospital, he had received a call from Ms. Mary letting him know that she had found his grandma unresponsive in her bed.

He couldn't understand what happened, she was just fine this morning. He had went over to her house earlier to take them out for breakfast as well as give them roses for Valentine's Day. She was so excited to see him not to mention they had a good time.

He tried not to let his frustrations get the best of him but he couldn't help it. He needed his grandma.

Liyah tried comforting him but Jah would shrug her off not wanting to be touched. It wasn't anything against her he just needed to process everything. Ms. Mary paced the floors saying prayers left to right.

"Family of Carla Moreno", A doctor called out stepping into the waiting room. Quickly getting up they rushed towards the doctor Jah being the first to approach him.

"I'm her grandson what's wrong? My grandma good right?" He fired off questions left to right making the doctor adjust his glasses. "Well it appears that Ms. Moreno had a brainstem stroke to be more specific a ischemic stroke to be exact. This is caused by blood flow being blocked". The doctor explained leaving Jah and Liyah confused. "W-what , how? She was just good though". Jah racked his brain trying to process what the doctor was saying.

"Looking in her charts here I see that not only does your grandma have a history of Transient Ischemic Attacks but she's also terminally ill. It was too much on her body".

Looking back at Ms. Mary Jah seen her with her head hung low. "Nah I know my grandma sick but this not making any sense, her illness wasn't that bad. She said it wasn't that bad". The doctor shook his head. "I'm sorry son but I'm afraid it is".

"C-can I see her? She's up right?". Jah asked hoping that he could speak to her, he needed for her to tell him what was going on and that everything would be alright.

"She slipped into a coma, you can see her but it's not looking good, I'm sorry". Jah felt his heart breaking, not his grandma, she was a soldier, she got to shake back from this.

The doctor lead the group to Carla's room. Walking inside Jah's chest heaved up and down he walked closer to her. "N-nana". He croaked grabbing ahold of her hand.

"Come on nana, you got to get up, you got to shake this shit". He squeezed her stiff hand as the heart monitor beeped. He sniffed watching her chest barely move.

"Ms. Mary why yall didn't tell me?". He clenched his teeth, he was hurt, had he known his grandma's condition he would have spent more time with her, he would have seen her daily instead of weakly. He would have took her out more, spent more nights with her. He would have told her he loved her more.

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