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As bright as the sun, as pretty as the sunflower


Muffins and cookies. Gyuvin smiled once the blonde male walked out of the store with a glint of excitement playing in his eyes. There was something very welcoming about him. He looked happy, buying something for his loved one. Gyuvin met people having similar mindset, getting cakes or desserts for near ones, but not someone as handsome as him. It probably would have been fun to get to know him, but he understood the barrier in between. Even so, he did not fail to recognise the man when he visited the shop the second time.

He said him and his lover both liked the muffins.

The second time, the conversation was longer, and Gyuvin got to know something really interesting. Although the guy looked intimidating, his favourite fruit was.. strawberry. Really really cute. Maybe that's why, after he had left, Gyuvin could not help smiling like a fool, until his co-worker cum friend noticed him.

"For sure, Gyuvin only likes pretty people." Teased his friend.

"Well, yeah? Then why do I like you?" The taller male teased back, earning a gasp of disbelief from his friend.

"How dare you, Kim Gyuvin! Just because I'm not as handsome as your blonde crush-"

"He has a boyfriend, Yunseo yah."

"Aww are you heartbroken?"

Gyuvin shook his head. That day, he didn't seem to realize because he wasn't familiar with the way that handsome guy's mind worked. It's the same when you find someone good looking on the streets, then wonder for a while and in the end, forget about them. Although Gyuvin's was a little deeper, since he got bummed when that particular customer stopped visiting his shop until-

One night they met again, but this time, the blonde male did not look happy or lovesick. He was angry, sad, wronged- and it hurt Gyuvin when he learned that all those cookies and muffins he bought for his lover was the same person who hurt him that way.

That night, Gyuvin realized, he wanted to be close to the male, Ricky. They talked, Gyuvin couldn't stop staring. He was a gorgeous man himself, but there was a certain charm in the way Ricky looked that did things to his stomach. Yet, he listened carefully. He learned that even someone like Ricky got played. To make him feel better, he vowed to be a good friend to listen to all his worries and pain. It took yet another bad incident for Ricky to show up to his shop, but this time, his promise was real. He started visiting Gyuvin's shop regularly.

And much to everyone's teasing, Gyuvin did not think of that as an opportunity to nourish his little crush, when in fact, his intention was to bring back the smile of glory on Ricky's face. It would be a lie though, to say his heart didn't flutter when those beautiful deer eyes looked at him intently, or held the eye contact for long, but prioritized Ricky's feelings more.

And when he realized that the latter was free during the weekend, he ended up asking for a meet up. It was a sheer attempt to save Ricky from feeling lonely, but even he knew, in his heart, that he did it partly for himself. Therefore, when the sun shined brightly upon him, at the begining of noon, he found himself waiting for Ricky in front of the shop, to go for their first outing together.


Gyuvin was waiting anxiously. 'Will the clothes match?' Was the first thought he had. He wore a faded yellow shirt over a white tee, keeping the buttons open for extra style. For pants, he went for a basic light blue pair of jeans. He was aware that ripped jeans had been a trend, but his ones were plain. Overall, what he wore felt so plain that he wondered, would he even look anything compared to Ricky. Not that he was trying, but a subtle attempt of impressing the blonde male was still there. His worries escalated when Ricky showed up in a flashy car, dressed in all black, tucked in black shirt, skinny black jeans, black shoes, a pair of black shades, tinted lips, lined eyes and obviously- styled blonde hair.

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