Prologue: Powerless No More

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(Katsuragi Bakugo is the son of Masaru and Mitsuki. Everything seems to go well with his family until they reach the age of four.)

(The doctor is seen diagnosing Katsuragi, and after he's done, he gives him sad news.)

Doctor: Sorry, Katsuragi... but you're quirkless.

(After that, his parents still cared about him, but his siblings Katsuki and Katsumi felt disgusted to have a powerless brother.)

Katsuki: Great, like one Deku wasn't enough, we now have to deal with TWO Dekus.

(Then Izumi Midoriya, Shoto Todoroki and Sakura Todoroki come in.)

Shoto: Did we hear that right? You have a quirkless brother?

Katsumi: (groans) Unfortunately.

Sakura: Why don't we try to make him give up being a hero.

Katsuki: That would be easy... if our parents stopped caring about that useless idiot.

Izumi: Yeah... now THAT'S a problem...

(Meanwhile, a little blonde girl is seen defending Katsuragi from a brown haired little boy and a couple of girls who tried to beat him.)


(The girls' fathers see that and are about to beat the girl named Marin Kitagawa, but then some police officers come in.)

Officer 1: So the individuals are about to beat a little girl, huh?

Tai/Jacques: We? (faking innocence) Nah, please.

Officer 2: (glares) Don't you know child aggression is a crime?

Weiss: Please, Mr. Officer. My father CAN explain!

Officer 1: Good. Then we shall explain everything to the judge.

(Their eyes widen as they find out they can't bribe the officers.)

Yang: But...

Officer 2: (stern) No buts!

(Then the officers take the families away as both girls named Weiss and Yang glare angrily at Marin.)

Weiss: See what you did?

Yang: Who will take care of my little sister now?

Marin: (cocky) I missed the part where that's my problem. (to Katsuragi) Run.

(Katsuragi nods as he runs from the bullies while Marin fends them off thanks to some martial arts training from her mother.)

(Some minutes later, Katsuragi is seen looking to the skies as he sees the clouds.)

Katsuragi: The clouds are so cool.

????: What are you doing, Katsu?

(Katsuragi turns to see one of his friends: Izuku Midoriya, who he still sees as a friend due to being quirkless, just like him.)

Katsuragi: Just looking at the clouds.

Izuku: I see... by the way, I heard a blonde was defending you from some bullies... is that true?

Katsuragi: Yep, they're just as bad as my siblings and their friends... and your sister is one of them.

Izuku: Figures...

Katsuragi: Why does the world have to be so unfair?

Izuku: I wish I could have the answer.

(They sigh as they look at the clouds together.)

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