Chapter 18: Sibling Reunion

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(After arriving at the Alchemy Academy, Kagerou meets a female student in there as the other students are having a lunch break.)

Student: How can I help you, sir?

Kagerou: I'm looking for a woman named Yorukage. Do you know her.

Student: (nods) Yep, she's the teacher in my class. (checks on Kagerou) Now you mentioned her... you really look like her. Are you related?

Kagerou: (sighs) Sort of...


(Yorukage arrives at the yard, and immediately sees Kagerou.)

Yorukage: (glares) You

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Yorukage: (glares) You...

(Knowing the things would get intense, the students nearby hurriedly run out.)

Kagerou: Hello onee-chan... long time no see.

(Yorukage doesn't seem happy to see Kagerou as she remembers the time he betrayed her, but to avoid a bigger confusion, she decides to pretend she's not angry.)

Yorukage: (sighs) Follow me, please.

(Kagerou follows Yorukage to the Alchemy Academy's rooftop as she glares at him again.)

Yorukage: What do you want? Wasn't it enough for you to betray me like that. You didn't even care when I left home. Some brother you are...

Kagerou: (sighs) I know I did terrible things... I dated a bitchy princess who had an affair with a fake hero... I even became a wanted criminal for betraying Smart Brain.

Yorukage: It took a betrayal to knock some senses into you? Can you be more pathetic than that?

Kagerou: What about you.

Yorukage: Now you DO care? As you can see, I'm teaching alchemy to these people. (sighs) All I wanted was a world where nobody would have to depend on the kindness of "monsters"... (angry) Is that too much to ask?

(Kagerou remains silent until he speaks up.)

Kagerou: Well, if it comforts you, I wouldn't come here if it wasn't necessary. I need you to support Unity Academy.

Yorukage: (glares) No! I don't trust those "Hero" training academies. Like I said, I don't want anyone depending on other people's kindness anymore! (looks away) Leave!

(Kagerou then pulls out his driver, and then he prepares to transform.)

Kagerou: Looks like we're gonna have to do this the hard way.

(Yorukage pulls out her driver as well.)

Yorukage: (smiles) Just like old times!




Kagerou/Yorukage: Henshin!



(They transform into their Kamen Rider forms and they charge at each other.)

Majade: This one word will change me

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Majade: This one word will change me. The name is Kamen Rider Majade!

(She punches Muez as she fights strongly and seriously, which amazes the students that were hiding behind the door. Muez presses a button on his phone.)


(Muez slashes Majade, who then charges at him as he clicks another button.)


(He predicts her attack and slashes her away.)

Muez: Had enough!

Majade: You fought dirty! How about I show you the monster YOU made?

(Yorukage transforms into Dragon Malgam while Kagerou transforms into Dragon Orphnoch.)

Dragon Malgam: You made me like thois, brother

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Dragon Malgam: You made me like thois, brother... and now I'm going to make you PAY!

(Both Dragon Monsters charge at each other as the Malgam easily overpowers the Orphnoch, but then Yorukage reverts back to her human form.)

Yorukage: You made me do this to you... (sighs) get up...

(Kagerou tries to get up, but then Yorukage decides to help him up.)

Yorukage: How ironic, isn't it? I wanted people to stop depending on the kindness of "monsters", and I became a monster myself.

Kagerou: (weakly) I thought you said it was-

Yorukage: (hugs Kagerou) BULLSHIT! I... I let the grudge get the best of me... well, mostly... (looks into Kagerou's eyes) Look, I'll help you and your four students. But only you five. So don't think I changed my opinion about Unity Academy. I'm just doing this because we're family, you and I.

(Yorukage carries Kagerou on her shoulders as the screen fades out.)

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