Chapter 3: Unwanted Reunion

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(One month has passed ever since Katsuragi enrolled at Unity Academy along with Marin, Ryan and Kenji. Katsuragi's friendship with Ryan and Kenji grew stronger as they had a brotherly bond stronger than Katsuki and Katsumi. He's also had a close relationship with Marin as he even asked her on dates, which she loves a lot. One day, he received a message from Adrien Agreste as Katsuragi became friends with him and the Miraculous Team. Adrien informed Katsuragi that Union Academy is after both Ryan and Kenji.)

Katsuragi: Tch. These fools. Do they really think I'll let them get Ryan and Kenji? Not in a million years.

(He then feels someone's presence and prepares to use his gear. He places the Faiz Driver in his waist and types the code in his Faiz Phone.)


Katsuragi: Henshin!


(Katsuragi becomes Kamen Rider Faiz, and then he blocks an electric attack from Denki Kaminari.)

Faiz: Denki Kaminari

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Faiz: Denki Kaminari... a foolish move, don't you think?

Denki: Katsuragi, please don't make us do this. Just come to Union Academy, and nobody gets hurt.

Faiz: Tch. Stop lying to yourself. And come out, Katsuki and Katsumi, I know you're in there.

(Katsuki and Katsumi come in along with the rest of Bakusquad, including Izumi and Sakura.)

Faiz: You're all fucking dumb for coming here. I am a full ledge student of Unity Academy. And that will stay that way.

(He punches Denki and kicks him into a tree.)

Katsuki: (glares) I don't take orders from worthless people!

Faiz: You think I care?

Katsuki: (stern) WHAT DID YOU SAY?

Faiz: I stopped caring about you and YOUR sister when you guys stopped my parents from saving me. I could care less about what you guys think about me. I'm free from that hell. So leave or I'll make you!

????: That's enough, Katsuragi.

(Then the Autotroopers surround Bakusquad as Will Etka uses one of his techniques to bring Katsuki down easily.)

Will: If this is how Union Academy Headmasters get people to join their school. I am rather disappointed. Asagi, please escort Mister Bakugo off the premises with hisr friends. And give an incident report to Union that we're not allowing them to enter our school ground without our permission. 

Asagi: Yes, Headmaster.

(Asagi along with some Autotroopers grab the Bakusquad members by the collar and start dragging them out as Katsumi struggles.)


Faiz: Don't waste your time. The past is the past. Like I said before, I don't care. Just go back to your rotten kingdom.

(Hearing the word "rotten" makes Katsumi angry as she threatens to attack, only for Asagi to stab her arms and legs and knock her unconscious.)

Asagi: (disgusted) You know nothing of what you done. All you care about is money, fame and power. And that will ultimately destroy everything you love.

(Then the Bakusquad is thrown out as Faiz approaches them.)

Faiz: Also, if you see Pyrrha Nikos, tell her that Nate Tennyson is after her.

(As Faiz walks away, a portal is open as the Bakusquad is thrown back to Union Academy.)

(To be continued.)

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