Chapter 7: Kamen Rider Orga Strikes

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(After their defeat against their rival, Unity Academy, Members of Union Academy returned to the school angry that they lost the Tournament but also lost Hisui, Chronoa and Signas to Unity. The headmasters were the most pissed off that Unity knows most of their secrets like Ozpin's original name, which was well hidden from all that wasn't a part of their alliance. Some of Union's Star Students were enraged that three of their best were defeated by Unity Students, with Katsuki being defeated by Katsuragi, and their parents' behavior towards Katsuki and Katsumi. It pissed them off that Masaru and Mitsuki didn't show any sympathy or compassion for their gifted children, instead they get happy for Katsuragi being a hero of his own. Katsumi has been crying ever since her defeat, only having comfort from her boyfriend Shoto. Katsuki was struggling to control his anger after his humiliating defeat at the hands of his brother. To cool himself off, Katsuki called Izumi for a date, which was actually working in calming him down a bit until he saw another Kamen Rider standing in front of Team JNPR.)

????: (glares at Pyrrha) So it's true

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????: (glares at Pyrrha) So it's true... you cheated on me with a faker.

Jaune: Pyrrha. Is that...

Pyrrha: Yeah, it's my ex-boyfriend Nate Tennyson.

????: Nate Tennyson is dead. I am Kamen Rider Orga now! Prepare to pay for what you did!

Pyrrha: It's not my fault, Nate.

Orga: Bullshit! You COULD have saved me, but you just stood there and watched me get kidnapped. But I should thank you for that, because I am what I am today, thanks to the Darkaiju Avengers!

(Orga then punches Pyrrha in the face, sending her flying through multiple buildings.)

Nora: Pyrrha!

Orga: So you're her teammates!

(Suddenly Katsuki and Izumi come in to confront him.)


(Izumi uses her quirk to launch a car at Orga, who slashes it before stabbing Katsuki in the gut as he was propelling himself to attack him.)

Orga: I have no business with any of you pricks. I'm only after the spartan ex of mine!

(He then snaps his finger, and some Riotroopers come along.)

Orga: (to the Riotroopers) Get them!

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Orga: (to the Riotroopers) Get them!

(They nod as they charge at Nora, Jaune and Ren.)

Orga: That will hold them for now.

(Orga then dashes at Pyrrha.)

Orga: You're mine now!

Pyrrha: I didn't mean for that to happen!

Orga: And yet you let it happen! You're nothing but a fake!

(Orga and Pyrrha charged at each other, delivering punches to each other, and then Orga starts gaining the upper hand.)

Orga: Come on, fight back! (starts stomping her stomach) Where is that proud smirk I always saw?! (keeps stomping her) Don't tell me that all you got after all those two years. (starts punching her face) You're a worthless champion of Mistral!

(He the throws Pyrrha into a wall as she coughs blood.)

Orga: Tch. Some champion you turned out to be. A waste of my time. And to think you were the strongest.

Pyrrha: (weakly) I'm... sorry... I... really... am...

Orga: Sorry won't fix our bond. You let it break yourself!

(Orga then prepares to finish the fight.)

Orga: Goodbye, Pyrrha!



(Orga uses his Orga Stlanzer to extend a Photon Blood-energy blade which captures Pyrrha before destroying her.)

Orga: Vengeance is served.

(Orga then leaves as the Riotroopers follow him after beating Jaune, Nora and Ren as the screen fades out.)

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