Chapter 12: The Deal With The Devil

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(With Unity having gained the support of the Underworld after the death of Sirzechs, Kagerou takes the opportunity and goes to Hazbin Hotel, where he goes to see Charlie.)

Charlie: Welcome to Hazbin Hotel, what beings you here?

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Charlie: Welcome to Hazbin Hotel, what beings you here?

Kagerou: Can I have a talk with your father, please?

Charlie: Sure, but what's your business with him?

Kagerou: This is between me and him.

(Suddenly Lucifer himself comes in.)

Lucifer: Ah, you must be Unity's Technologic Teacher, Shinomura Kagerou

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Lucifer: Ah, you must be Unity's Technologic Teacher, Shinomura Kagerou.

(Kagerou nods)

Lucifer: What brings you here?

Kagerou: I am here to make a deal.

Lucifer: What kind of deal.

Kagerou: My girlfriend Ruan Mei wants something for her research... and I thought you could give at least a part of Sirzechs' soul.

Lucifer: I see... wait a minute.

(Lucifer leaves for a while, and minutes later, he brings out an orb which possesses the part of Sirzechs' soul.)

Lucifer: Here. Anything else?

Kagerou: Yes, can you find someone for me?

Lucifer: Hmm... describe the subject.

Kagerou: She's a woman who is known as "The One Who Walks Between Worlds."

Lucifer: I see... you're looking for a woman named Acheron. Very well, I'll see what I can do.

(Kagerou and Ruan Mei are seen with Lucifer and Acheron.)

Acheron: So you're the one who wanted me here

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Acheron: So you're the one who wanted me here.

(Kagerou nods)

Acheron: What do you want from me?

Kagerou: My girlfriend here wants some of your blood for her research.

Acheron: (sees Ruan Mei) Hmm... Ruan Mei, I knew I recognized her... somehow. And what do I get in exchange?

Kagerou: Have you heard of Rias Gremory?

Acheron: Yes... the spoiled princess of ruin.

Kagerou: You can have your revenge on her for what she did to you.

(Acheron's eyes widen as Kagerou somehow found out what happened between her and Rias Gremory. Then she takes her decision.)

Acheron: Deal!

(Kagerou and Acheron then shake hands as the screen fades out.)

(To be continued)

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