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*Spider-Man was being held by Giganta until the girls showed up*

Babs: I won't say it again drop the arachnid.

Giganta: Make me.

Supergirl: I was hoping you would say that

*Supergirl then goes flying at Giganta punching her in the stomach and making her drop spidey*

Spidey: Uh thanks.. Superman's sister??

Supergirl: That's supergirl to you, bug boy

Catwoman: We don't have time for this. Girls retreat.

*The girls then flee before the fight gets any bigger*

Spider-Man: Uh thanks for your help girls but I think it's time I flee too.

Wonder Woman: Wait just a second Spider of man's.

Spidey: That's Spider-Man.

Wonder Woman: We were wondering if you have a moment to talk.

*The girls nod in agreement*

Spider-Man: Well- I mean- ok sure.

*We then cut to Spidey and the girls sitting on a roof*

Spider-Man: So what's this about girls?

Green Lantern: Well you see you have been fighting villains for a while and you're very good at it.

Spider-Man: Yea?

Wonder Woman: What she is trying to say is. Will you join our team?

Spider-Man: Girls it's a good offer but I'm unsure. Every time I'm on a team I end up having to fight my teammates, it's part of the reason I left Shield, I just couldn't take the pressure.

Batgirl: Before you say no can we prove to you we would be good teammates? Allow us to tag along when you are fighting crime then we can prove we would make a great team.

Spider-Man: Alright we'll meet back on this roof tomorrow night give me time to think.

Zatana: Sounds fair. Goodbye spidey

*The girls then say goodbye and leave*

*We now cut to the next day of school, Peter and Zee are walking to class*

Zee: Uh Peter are you alright? You seem confused.

Peter: Uh yeah it's just that. Have you ever gotten asked to do something that you know is helpful but you're still not sure if you want to do it?

Zee: Well I think so but what I can tell you is, do what you think is right follow your heart, Parker. I have to go now don't wanna be late for science, bye Peter.

*Zee then walks off to class*

Peter: What I think is right...

(Will Peter accept the deal? Will they become a team? Find out in the next chapter.)

Dc Super Hero Girls & The Spectacular Spider ManWhere stories live. Discover now